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Proposed database for construction projects



36 sec

Council Member De La Rosa inquires about the proposed database requirement in Intro 910. Deputy Commissioner Tigani explains the current reporting practices of HPD.

  • HPD currently provides open data information about financed projects after the fiscal year
  • The proposed database would be publicly searchable and include all construction projects described in the legislation
  • The new requirement may supplement existing online databases
Carmen N. De La Rosa
This bill would require intro 910 would require HPD to maintain a publicly searchable online database of all construction projects described in the legislation Would this report, reporting requirements supplement any exist existing online database?
And 2, what challenges, if any, do you foresee in the implementation and maintenance of this database?
Ahmed Tigani
So currently, we do provide open data information about the projects we finance after the fiscal year.
So we currently make sure that there's information about how public tax dollars are being used to create the affordable housing we finance. pigeon logo

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