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DEP's perspective on Intro 1067-A: Groundwater flooding in Southeast Queens
127 sec
The commissioner presents DEP's perspective on Intro 1067-A, which addresses groundwater flooding issues in Southeast Queens. He outlines current efforts and concerns about the proposed legislation.
- DEP has been focused on flood management and the challenges in Southeast Queens
- The agency has implemented programs like Rainfall Ready and hosts flooding information sessions
- DEP is working with the US Geological Survey to map and monitor groundwater levels
- Southeast Queens has $2.5 billion in the current capital plan for stormwater management
- DEP welcomes the opportunity to work with the council but has concerns about the specific program outlined in the legislation
- The agency suggests exploring alternative approaches, such as expanding the NYC Accelerator program to include flooding issues
Rohit T Aggarwala
The bill also creates a task force focused on Southeast Queen's flooding adaptation assistance.
We have been seriously focused on the overall problem of flooding and on the challenges of Southeast Queens.
For several years, as you know well, one of DEP's top priorities has been to implement better flood management around the city.
This has included assistance to property owners through the rainfall ready program and the more recent town hall style flooding information sessions that DEP has been hosting this past year, which included a flood preparation kit.
We have also been focused on ground water flooding.
We have an ongoing effort with the US geological survey to map and monitor groundwater levels across the city, which is of interest as sea level rise has been raising groundwater levels across the eastern seaboard.
We have also been focused on those experiencing flooding in Southeast Queens.
That part of New York City has $2,500,000,000 in the current capital plan for storm water management, which means that it is receiving more investment than any other part of the city.
We have also been working to clarify the groundwater flooding issue, and we find that some residents may be conflating groundwater flooding with other forms of flooding.
We welcome the opportunity to work with the council to expand our work.
We do not think though that the program laid out in this legislation is the best way that DEP can support residents.
DEP does not provide the sort of case management assistance to homeowners that would be required by this bill.
Rather, one approach that we are exploring is whether the New York City Accelerator overseen by the mayor's office of climate and environmental justice in which provides precisely this kind of direct advice and assistance to building owners around energy.
Efficiency could be expanded to offer advice to homeowners on flooding issues.
We and the mayor's office of contract services also have concerns about contracting requirements in the bill.
The law department is reviewing, so we would like to discuss these issues in the near future.
Today's hearing covers a number of important areas.
I'm joined by several colleagues in addition to my two colleagues here at at the table, sitting here with me and behind in the audience, and we are happy to answer any questions that you have.