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Non-mandatory nature of OTI's AI principles



44 sec

Council Member Gutiérrez questions the mandatory nature of OTI's AI principles, pointing out that the wording suggests they are not obligatory. Alex Foard clarifies the intended use of these principles.

  • Gutiérrez highlights that the principles are described as something agencies are 'encouraged to consider'
  • Foard explains that the principles are meant to clearly display the city's position on AI use
  • He describes the principles as 'strict guidelines and best practices' for agencies to follow, but confirms they are not mandatory
Jennifer Gutiérrez
In paragraph 4.0 of AI principles, it says that OTI encourages agencies to consider these principles as they develop and use AI solutions.
And I just wanna confirm, by the wording of it, it is not mandatory or it it's a suggestion about utilizing these principles to develop AI solutions?
Alex Foard
So the principles are there to be able to put the city's position about our use of AI on a clear display and to make it clear these are what we care about when it comes to how the city is approaching AI.
Jennifer Gutiérrez
But not mandatory.
Alex Foard
So they're pretty strict guidelines and and best practices for agencies to follow.
And as the principles say, there's opportunity to integrate those principles into subsequent work.
Both at the OTI and agency level.
Jennifer Gutiérrez
Okay. pigeon logo

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