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Testimony by Charline Ogbeni, Owner of Supporting Our Mothers Initiative



126 sec

Charline Ogbeni, representing Supporting Our Mothers Initiative, advocates for the expansion of birth centers in New York City and the establishment of a donor milk bank. She highlights the need for more birth centers due to the high number of low-risk births and potential hospital closings, and proposes changes to the certificate of need requirement for birth centers.

  • Mentions several examples of out-of-hospital births in NYC to emphasize the need for more birth options
  • Argues that birth centers are safe, comfortable, and cost-effective alternatives to hospital births for low-risk pregnancies
  • Proposes the adoption of deemed status for CABC accredited facilities to replace the current licensure process for birth centers
  • Advocates for establishing the first bipopular donor milk bank in New York City to support vulnerable populations and reduce future health disparities
Charline Ogbeni
Good afternoon.
My name is Charlene Albini, and thank you for the opportunity to test Fi here today, our represent supporting our Mueller's initiative, a kudos to college company that provides parenting support and resources to families across New York.
We provide full spectrum doula service and lactation services to families.
In 2009, a baby girl was born on the B Sixty One bus.
In 2017, a MTA subway cleaner assisted a baby born on the 4,506 Brooklyn Bridge stop.
In 2023, a baby was born on the Jackie Robinson Parkway.
And just this week, a baby was born on the I nine ninety update in our aggregate city.
The list of out of hospital birth schools on and on, and these stories often capture attention and make news.
But there seldom any news or recognition for births that happen at birth centers.
Currently, there is only one birth center in New York City, despite the fact that over a 100,000 babies are born each year here in the city.
The majority of these births are vaginal and don't require hospital admission, which means many families can benefit from the option of birthing and the birth center.
But the impending potential hospital closings, we want to offer this as a solution to help triage low risk maternity needs as the remaining hospitals have to grapple with the overwhelming need but minimal resources.
One of the barriers holding back the expansion of birth sentence in New York State is the certificate of need requirement.
We are advocating for the adoption of deemed status for CABC accredited facilities replacing the current licensure process.
Birth centers offer a unique and valuable approach to childbirth providing as an environment that is supportive, safe, and comfortable.
It also is cost effective when compared to traditional hospitalization for the same individual.
Additionally, I want to propose the committee support for establishing a 1st bi popular donor milk bank in a in the city, in New York City.
An investment in donor breast milk is an investment in our future citizens and reduces the long term cost of future health disparities experienced by our most vulnerable populations.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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