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Testimony by Mount Lacey, Veteran



3 min

Mount Lacey, a veteran, provides critical testimony about his recent negative experiences with the Department of Veterans Services (DVS) and calls for accountability rather than increased resources. He describes a frustrating situation involving a potential shelter transfer and lack of proper advocacy from DVS staff.

  • Lacey alleges that DVS staff member Lamar Wheeler ignored his request for advocacy based on DHS policy and procedure, leading to a crisis situation.
  • He claims he was wrongfully trespassed from 1 Center Street without proper documentation, affecting his access to various city services.
  • Lacey calls for third-party oversight and accountability for DVS, expressing skepticism about the department's effectiveness.
Mount Lacey
I'm speaking from my personal experience over the last couple weeks and since the last time I testified before you guys.
I wanna say that is the majority of what DVS is promising.
It's false hope.
They don't need more resources or accessibility what they need is accountability.
And I'll describe the situation to you that I went through it with Lamar Wheeler, and I'm trying to we're trying to put a unneeded transfer just to transfer me again back to Borden Avenue on hold because, like you said, a disrupts in life disrupts everything in your life.
I wanted to build a case for him to advocate came from me based on DHS policy and procedure.
He refused to do that.
He wanted to create a advocacy based off imaginary future plan of treatment with the VA that this nonprofit may or may not accept instead of policy and procedure based on evidence.
Then after 8 hours of working on that with the staff there that day, Lamar completely ignored that.
My wish is to go off policy and procedure and something solid.
The disappointment and the stress of realizing that I'm either going back to a more dangerous shelter that I had already been transferred from within one day and have to do that all over again to move to move to move.
Led me to being in crisis, and I I called EMT and and and checked myself into inpatient from DVS.
Now the result of that was Lamar trusspassing me from Swan Center Street, himself without anything in writing on a verbal command to dot d a c a whatever the police there are in that building, They have a picture now of me on their on their security thing.
They still have nothing in writing.
Commissioner Hendon doesn't even know about this.
And I have a text message from the workers that I worked with that clearly state that I was absolutely no threat whatsoever.
So now it not only is DBS keeping me from their services, they're keeping me from the services from the entire New York City government of that building.
So if you guys wanna know where to put your money, hire a third party and get to accountability because I don't know what it is you guys actually do or DVS does besides sit around and talk.
And I wanna see something, and I would like a commitment from you, Mister Holden, that my problem, my issue getting back to board in a congressionally approved program that's public law, that you will that you will walk with me step by step by step by step by step my
Robert F. Holden
promise, ma'am. pigeon logo

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