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Collaboration between SBS and other agencies for public space activation



31 sec

Council Member Feliz inquires about the collaboration between SBS and other agencies, such as DOT, for activating public spaces in commercial corridors. SBS representatives explain their approach to inter-agency coordination.

  • SBS informs partner agencies about their funding awards for each fiscal year
  • This information sharing helps coordinate with other major projects or capital projects that may be happening in the same district
  • The goal is to ensure awareness and potential collaboration between different agency initiatives in the same area
Oswald Feliz
And for commercial corridors that wanna activate a public space, what would collaboration look like between SBS, but also the many other agencies that, I guess, have jurisdiction over a public space, including DLT?
Calvin Brown
So once so once we make our awards and we know who we're funding for any fiscal year, we make sure that all of our partners are aware.
So if there's other major project or capital projects that may be happening within the district, they know that we're also doing either a CDNA or we're working with a local partner. pigeon logo

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