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SBS support for neighborhoods without formal organizations
40 sec
Council Member Feliz asks about how SBS supports neighborhoods or business districts that may not have formal organizations but are looking to activate public spaces. SBS representatives explain their approach to filling these gaps.
- Chambers of Commerce are important partners for SBS in areas without BIDs or CBDOs
- SBS funds Chambers of Commerce to support work in areas lacking local organizations
- Example: Queens Chamber of Commerce was funded to work in College Point due to the absence of a local organization
Oswald Feliz
And what are the different ways that SBS supports a neighborhood or business district that may not have a form organization?
They might not have 5.123, which is obviously a requirement, but is looking for ways to activate public spaces, including plazas, and other areas.
Calvin Brown
Our chambers are great partners too.
Sometimes our chambers, they fill those spaces where there's no bids or no CBDOs.
So they're one of our partners that we do fund.
We funded the Queen's Chamber of Commerce to do work in college point because there was no local organization there that can support the work.
So we do rely on our chambers of sometimes when there's a gap in terms of support.