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Testimony by Lucy Sexton, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Culture & Arts



148 sec

Lucy Sexton, Executive Director of New Yorkers for Culture & Arts, testifies on the importance of cultural groups and small businesses to New York City's economy and quality of life. She emphasizes the interdependence of culture and local businesses, and advocates for measures to support both sectors.

  • Calls for commercial rent stabilization and tax incentives for cultural groups to retain spaces
  • Emphasizes the need for increased funding for nonprofit culture and easier access to small business services for cultural organizations
  • Highlights workforce challenges in the cultural sector, including the exodus of artists and cultural workers from the city
Lucy Sexton
Thank you so much for hearing my testimony, and thank you, in particular, are for this joint hearing of the small business and cultural affairs committees.
Cultural groups have long advocated for this inclusion of arts and culture groups and small businesses as critical to our city's economy and to its quality of life.
A thriving streetscape brings people together, makes our communities safer, it improves mental health, civic engagement, and so much more.
Data has proven that neighborhoods with strong cultural assets have improved outcomes in nearly every measure of what defines a healthy, happy, productive, educated, connected community.
To state the obvious, when people are drawn out of their homes to see a show or take their kids to a dance class, they also visit local businesses from diners to delis to retail.
In the words of Andrew Ritchie, head of the New York City Hospitality Alliance, our city's economy is an interdependent ecosystem, and there are few connections as strong as those between culture and hospitality.
Invest in culture, and we invest in a vibrant in vibrant neighborhoods and thriving restaurants.
So how can we support this interdependent ecosystem?
1st, by taking action to make sure that the rents for both commercial and nonprofit spaces do not sky rocket once they've created a great neighborhood.
Commercial rent stabilization is long overdue and tax incentives to allow cultural groups to rent and retain their spaces would be an enormous help.
Increased funding for nonprofit culture is essential.
In Ritchie's words, it's an investment that will help local businesses and our economies.
You've heard other suggestions in these testimonies, and I've included more in my written testimony.
I'll simply emphasize the fact that cultural organizations are also small businesses.
Whether they operate as a nonprofit or a for profit music venue or a combination of for profit and nonprofit dance studio like Arts House Schools in Kony Island.
They should have easier access to support from the city's small business services and participation in the MWBE programs.
Cultural organizations are suffering from disinvestment by philanthropy and increased cost
Haris Khan
on the capillary front.
Lucy Sexton
The workforce's challenges also need to be addressed.
I have some devastating statistics in my testimony about the flight of dancers, designers, actors, and more.
I'll land by thanking again for raising up the critical issue of supporting both small business, cultural or groups and artists and cultural workers.
To live in these neighborhoods and make all of this possible.
Thank you so much. pigeon logo

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