Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
New York City Council
Committee on Public Housing
Oct 31, 2024
01:00 PM
3 hr 4 min
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A hearing on NYCHA's compliance with the 2019 HUD agreement and the ongoing federal monitorship.
Discussions focused on assessing NYCHA's progress in areas such as lead abatement, mold remediation, elevator maintenance, and heat restoration.
The hearing explored challenges in funding, aging infrastructure, and improving resident communication.
Concerns were raised about living conditions, transparency, and the impact of programs like RAD/PACT.
Council members pressed for details on plans to address repair backlogs, enhance accountability, and secure additional funding.
Features testimony from the federal monitors, NYCHA officials, and the public.
Meeting chapters
Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.
Council Member Chris Banks opens hearing on NYCHA and federal monitorship
Council Member Chris Banks opens a hearing on the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and its federal monitorship. He discusses the 2019 agreement between NYCHA, the city, and HUD, …
138 sec
NYCHA co-monitors Neil Barofsky and Matthew Cipolla introduce themselves and their approach to the monitorship
Neil Barofsky, one of the NYCHA co-monitors, introduces himself and his colleague Matthew Cipolla to the City Council committee. He provides background on their experience with monitorships and outlines their …
105 sec
NYCHA Co-monitor Matt Cipolla's testimony on monitorship progress and priorities
Matt Cipolla, NYCHA Co-monitor, provided testimony on the progress and challenges of the federal monitorship of NYCHA established by the 2019 HUD agreement. He discussed the core values of transparency, …
4 min
Assessment of NYCHA's compliance with HUD agreement
Neil Barofsky provides an assessment of NYCHA's position to comply with the HUD agreement. He categorizes NYCHA's progress into three areas: well-positioned, not well-positioned, and uncertain. - NYCHA is doing …
102 sec
Focus areas for NYCHA improvement: operations and organizational change
Neil Barofsky outlines key focus areas for NYCHA improvement, including both operational and organizational changes. - Operational focus: Developing metrics for individual apartment issues, such as radiator outages - Organizational …
5 min
Inefficiencies in NYCHA operations and potential improvements
Neil Barofsky discusses inefficiencies in NYCHA operations and potential improvements, while acknowledging the need for additional funding. - Emphasizes that efficiency improvements do not negate the need for additional capital …
3 min
Regulatory relief for NYCHA from HUD and local regulations
Matt Cipolla discusses the regulatory relief NYCHA is seeking from HUD and local regulations. - Example: Using special paper to seal off work areas during lead paint maintenance, which is …
116 sec
Support needed from city, state, and federal government for NYCHA
Neil Barofsky discusses the support NYCHA needs from various levels of government to meet the goals set by the agreement. - Primary need: As much financial support as possible, given …
3 min
Monitor interactions with NYCHA team and residents
Matt Cipolla and Neil Barofsky describe their interactions with the NYCHA team and residents. - Monitors have meetings with NYCHA team nearly every day - Interaction with all levels of …
134 sec
Monitor oversight of RAD/PACT converted developments
The monitors explain their limited oversight role in RAD/PACT converted developments. - Oversight mainly focused on elevators, heat, and lead in RAD/PACT developments - Verification of specific metrics, such as …
4 min
Suggestion to include NYCHA board members in community advisory meetings
Council Member Avilés suggests including NYCHA board members and other resident bodies in the monitor's community advisory meetings. She notes that these resident groups often don't interact and could benefit …
51 sec
Monitor's community engagement efforts and town hall meetings
Neil Barofsky discusses the monitor's community engagement efforts, including town hall meetings and the potential for including NYCHA board members in future meetings. He acknowledges the value of facilitating interactions …
85 sec
Strategies to improve NYCHA's performance on mold and leaks compliance
Neil Barofsky outlines strategies to improve NYCHA's performance on mold and leaks compliance, focusing on measurement, protocols, and training. He emphasizes the importance of developing standard procedures and improving staff …
158 sec
Monitor team's staffing, structure, and expertise
Neil Barofsky and Matt Cipolla provide an overview of the monitor team's structure, staffing, and expertise. They explain the composition of their team and the rationale behind bringing in various …
111 sec
Monitor's approach to overseeing large-scale projects like Sandy resiliency construction
Council Member Avilés raises concerns about the Sandy resiliency construction project in Red Hook and inquires about the monitor's approach to overseeing such large-scale projects. Matt Cipolla explains their holistic …
163 sec
Monitor's approach to overseeing NYCHA's performance across funding sources and contractors
Council Member Avilés inquires about the monitor's approach to overseeing NYCHA's performance across different funding sources and contractors. The monitors clarify their focus on overall metric improvement and NYCHA's responsibility …
77 sec
Inquiry about federal monitor's involvement in NYCHA programmatic issues
Council Member Chi Ossé inquires about the federal monitor's involvement in NYCHA programmatic issues, such as funding for tenant association meetings and community programs. Neil Barofsky, the NYCHA Co-monitor, explains …
122 sec
Discussion on the monitor's jurisdiction and limitations
Council Member Ossé and Neil Barofsky discuss the limitations of the monitor's jurisdiction and the process for handling issues outside their scope. Barofsky emphasizes that while certain issues may be …
79 sec
Explanation of the monitor's creation and contractual nature
Neil Barofsky provides a detailed explanation of the monitor's creation, contractual nature, and the limitations of their jurisdiction. He clarifies that the monitorship was established through a civil contract signed …
100 sec
Request for future coordination between council member and monitor
Council Member Chi Ossé concludes by requesting future coordination with the monitor's office to facilitate meetings with tenant association presidents in his district. Neil Barofsky expresses willingness to assist in …
20 sec
Council Member Bottcher inquires about NYCHA elevator repair issues
Council Member Erik D. Bottcher raises questions about NYCHA elevator repairs, specifically asking if the main issue is a shortage of parts rather than personnel. Neil Barofsky, the NYCHA Co-monitor, …
151 sec
Council Member Brewer's opening remarks on resident engagement
Council Member Gale A. Brewer opens by acknowledging the engagement of NYCHA residents in the hearing. She mentions that many tenant leaders are watching and want to meet with the …
36 sec
Discussion on vacant NYCHA apartments and their impact
Council Member Brewer raises concerns about thousands of vacant apartments in NYCHA buildings and their impact on pest and mold issues. She seeks information on what can be done about …
30 sec
Concerns about homeless families moving into NYCHA buildings
Council Member Brewer expresses support for moving homeless families into NYCHA buildings but raises concerns about the lack of support services for these families. She questions how this fits into …
42 sec
Concerns about trash management in NYCHA buildings
Council Member Brewer raises significant concerns about trash management in NYCHA buildings. She highlights how improper waste management leads to various issues, including pest problems and complaints from neighboring residents. …
22 sec
Monitor's response on NYCHA's trash management initiatives
Neil Barofsky, the NYCHA Co-monitor, responds to Council Member Brewer's concerns about trash management. He outlines current initiatives and technological solutions being implemented to address waste management issues. - Barofsky …
45 sec
Discussion on tenant-driven waste issues and lease enforcement
The conversation shifts to addressing tenant-driven waste issues and the challenges of lease enforcement in NYCHA buildings. Both Council Member Brewer and Monitor Barofsky acknowledge the complexity of these problems. …
53 sec
Manhattan-specific challenges in NYCHA trash management
Council Member Brewer highlights specific challenges faced by Manhattan NYCHA developments in managing trash. She emphasizes the unique constraints of Manhattan buildings and expresses willingness to work on solutions. - …
40 sec
Monitor's current approach to vacant NYCHA apartments
Council Member Brewer revisits the issue of vacant apartments, asking about the monitor's current actions. Neil Barofsky admits that vacant apartments are not currently a focus area for the monitors. …
79 sec
Potential monitor involvement in vacant NYCHA apartments issue
Neil Barofsky, the NYCHA Co-monitor, discusses how vacant apartments might fall under their jurisdiction and expresses appreciation for the council members bringing this issue to their attention. - Barofsky explains …
59 sec
Monitor's jurisdiction and observations of RAD/PACT converted developments
Council Member Chris Banks inquires about the monitor's jurisdiction over RAD/PACT converted developments. Monitor Neil Barofsky explains that while their primary focus is on verifying specific aspects of these developments, …
55 sec
Handling of resident complaints about RAD/PACT conversions
Council Member Chris Banks inquires about how the monitor handles resident complaints regarding RAD/PACT conversions. Monitor Neil Barofsky explains their approach to addressing resident concerns, even when they fall outside …
56 sec
Monitor's role in addressing issues with RAD/PACT conversions
Council Member Chris Banks inquires about the monitor's role in addressing specific issues in RAD/PACT conversions, such as elevator complaints. Monitor Neil Barofsky explains their approach to handling such situations. …
121 sec
Example of monitor's involvement in resident concerns
Matt Cipolla provides a specific example of how the monitor team addressed a resident association's security concerns in a RAD/PACT development. This illustrates their role as a facilitator between residents …
46 sec
Monitor's relationship with NYCHA leadership
Neil Barofsky discusses the monitor's relationship with NYCHA leadership, emphasizing their responsiveness and cooperation in addressing issues, including those outside the monitor's direct jurisdiction. - NYCHA leadership is described as …
91 sec
Introduction and overview of NYCHA's compliance efforts
Brad Greenburg, NYCHA's Chief Compliance Officer, provides an introduction to the hearing on NYCHA's progress in complying with the 2019 HUD agreement. He acknowledges the presence of the federal monitor …
41 sec
Overview of the 2019 HUD agreement and its goals
Greenburg provides an overview of the 2019 HUD agreement signed between NYCHA, the City of New York, and HUD. The agreement aims to remedy deficient physical conditions in NYCHA properties …
73 sec
Establishment of new departments and funding for NYCHA
NYCHA established three new departments and units to support compliance with the HUD agreement: the Compliance Department, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, and the Quality Assurance Unit. These teams …
79 sec
NYCHA's transformation plan and organizational changes
NYCHA developed a transformation plan in March 2021, followed by implementation plans in 2022 and 2023. These plans outline strategies to improve the resident experience and strengthen the agency's future. …
57 sec
Lead-based paint testing and abatement progress
NYCHA has made significant progress in lead-based paint testing and abatement across its properties. The agency has implemented new systems and procedures to ensure compliance with federal rules and protect …
179 sec
Heat restoration and boiler replacement progress
NYCHA has made significant improvements in heat restoration and boiler replacement across its properties. The agency has reduced the number and duration of heat outages and is on track to …
96 sec
Mold remediation and ventilation improvements
NYCHA has made progress in mold remediation and ventilation improvements across its properties. The agency has implemented new procedures and invested in infrastructure to reduce mold complaints and improve air …
94 sec
Elevator maintenance and replacement progress
NYCHA has made improvements in elevator maintenance and replacement across its properties. The agency has reduced the number and duration of elevator outages and is working towards meeting its replacement …
100 sec
Pest control response times and complaint reduction
NYCHA has made significant improvements in pest control response times and has seen a reduction in pest-related complaints across its properties. The agency has implemented new procedures and techniques to …
73 sec
Waste management infrastructure improvements
NYCHA has invested in improving its waste management infrastructure to address pest issues and enhance overall cleanliness in its properties. The focus has been on rehabilitating interior compactor rooms and …
21 sec
Ongoing challenges and future plans for NYCHA
Brad Greenburg concludes by acknowledging the ongoing challenges NYCHA faces and outlining the agency's plans for continued improvement. He emphasizes the importance of NYCHA as a critical source of affordable …
78 sec
Discussion on NYCHA waste management and trash issues
Council Member Gale A. Brewer inquires about NYCHA's efforts to address waste management and trash issues in public housing properties. NYCHA officials, including Brad Greenburg and Eva Trimble, explain their …
3 min
Update on NYCHA vacant apartments and illegal occupancy issues
NYCHA Chief Operating Officer Eva Trimble provides an update on progress in addressing vacant apartments and illegal occupancy issues. Council Member Gale A. Brewer raises concerns about these problems in …
139 sec
Discussion on support for homeless families in NYCHA properties
Council Member Gale A. Brewer inquires about the support provided to homeless families moving into NYCHA properties. NYCHA Chief Operating Officer Eva Trimble explains their approach to offering services. - …
67 sec
Council Member Brewer's closing remarks on RAD/PACT program
Council Member Gale A. Brewer offers brief closing remarks on the RAD/PACT (Rental Assistance Demonstration/Permanent Affordability Commitment Together) program implemented by NYCHA. - Brewer acknowledges attending numerous RAD/PACT meetings - …
12 sec
Questions about RAD/PACT developments and resident issues
Council Member Banks inquires about issues in RAD/PACT converted developments, focusing on resident complaints and NYCHA's oversight role. Brad Greenburg explains NYCHA's monitoring protocols for these properties, particularly regarding lead …
3 min
Budget challenges and specific development issues
Council Member Banks questions NYCHA officials about budget difficulties in complying with the HUD agreement and raises concerns about specific issues at Pink Houses. Brad Greenburg explains funding sources and …
154 sec
Improvements in governance, ethics, and accountability
Council Member Banks inquires about NYCHA's efforts to improve governance, ethics, and accountability following recommendations from the outgoing monitor. Brad Greenburg discusses the measures taken to enhance staff responsibility and …
142 sec
Work order management and skilled trade backlog
Council Member Banks questions NYCHA officials about work order management, long wait times, and improperly closed tickets. Eva Trimble provides information on NYCHA's progress in addressing these issues and the …
6 min
Heating failure monitoring and response
Council Member Banks inquires about NYCHA's process for tracking and addressing heating failures in individual apartments, with a focus on senior developments. Brad Greenburg explains the monitoring systems and protocols …
161 sec
Funding challenges and compliance with HUD agreement
Council Member Banks questions NYCHA officials about the funding and resources needed to meet HUD agreement deadlines. Brad Greenburg discusses the funding status of various pillar areas and the challenges …
4 min
Temperature monitoring and heating failure response
Council Member Banks inquires about the progress on implementing temperature monitoring devices in NYCHA developments and the process for addressing heating failures in individual apartments. NYCHA officials explain the challenges …
3 min
Elevator monitoring and pest control progress
Council Member Banks asks about the progress of installing remote monitoring systems for elevators and the construction of rat slabs for pest control. NYCHA officials provide updates on both initiatives. …
3 min
NYCHA's oversight of RAD/PACT developments
Council Member Banks questions NYCHA officials about their coordination with private developers in RAD/PACT developments and ongoing oversight after conversion. Brad Greenburg explains NYCHA's monitoring and engagement processes. Key points: …
7 min
Tenant notification systems and communication effectiveness
Council Member Banks inquires about NYCHA's tenant notification systems for heating outages and other issues, as well as how the authority verifies and tracks the effectiveness of its communication efforts. …
3 min
Conclusion of questioning and transition to public comment
Council Member Banks concludes the questioning session and announces the transition to the public comment section of the hearing. Key points: - Council Member Banks thanks the NYCHA officials for …
98 sec
Testimony by Alexa Cruz, NYCHA Resident on NYCHA Privatization Concerns and HR 307
Alexa Cruz, a long-time NYCHA resident, expressed concerns about the potential privatization of public housing and the lack of progress on HR 307, a bill related to public housing funding. …
126 sec
Testimony by Member of the Public on NYCHA Issues and Tenant Association Concerns
A member of the public expresses concerns about the NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority) HUD amendment, the composition of the Community Advisory Council, and the operations of tenant associations. …
5 min
Council member acknowledges testifier's frustrations
Council Member Chris Banks briefly acknowledges the frustrations expressed by the testifier.
21 sec
Testimony by Aixa Torres, President of Alfred E. Smith Houses
Aixa Torres, President of Alfred E. Smith Houses, expressed concerns about lead abatement and RAD/PACT conversion processes in NYCHA developments. She highlighted issues with resident opt-outs from lead abatement and …
128 sec
Council member addresses concerns about resident arrest at RAD meeting
Council Member Chris Banks responds to Aixa Torres' concerns about a resident being arrested at a RAD/PACT meeting. He acknowledges that they are looking into the incident and are familiar …
29 sec
Testimony by Zulai Velasquez, NYCHA Resident from Jacob Riis Houses
Zulai Velasquez, a resident of Jacob Riis Houses, testified about ongoing issues with NYCHA's RAD/PACT conversion process and other serious concerns at her development. She criticized the lack of transparency …
3 min
Testimony by Christopher Leon Johnson, Member of the Public
Christopher Leon Johnson testifies about the need for NYCHA tenants to unite and fight for their rights, criticizing certain organizations and individuals he believes are not truly advocating for tenants' …
123 sec
Testimony by Cesar Godwall on NYCHA RAD/PACT Project at Elliott Chelsea Houses
Cesar Godwall, a resident of Elliott Chelsea Houses, testified against the proposed RAD/PACT project, expressing concerns about potential displacement and injustices faced by NYCHA residents. He criticized the project as …
3 min
Testimony by Lucy Newman, Supervising Attorney of the Public Housing Unit at Legal Aid Society
Lucy Newman, representing the Legal Aid Society's public housing unit, provided testimony on the progress and ongoing concerns regarding NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority) since the 2018 HUD agreement. …
4 min
Testimony by Darren Sealy, Program Manager of Housing Resource Center at Red Hook Community Justice Center
Darren Sealy, representing the Housing Resource Center at Red Hook Community Justice Center, testified about critical issues faced by NYCHA residents, focusing on leaks and asbestos abatement. He highlighted the …
160 sec
Testimony by Sadie Gilfredrick, NYCHA Resident at Jacob Riis Houses, on Living Conditions and NYCHA Issues
Sadie Gilfredrick, a NYCHA resident at Jacob Riis Houses, provides a detailed account of the challenges and hazards she faces living in public housing. She describes issues ranging from poor …
4 min
Testimony by Judy Wade, NYCHA Resident from Jacob Riis Houses
Judy Wade, a resident of Jacob Riis Houses, testifies about her concerns regarding the PACT program and its impact on NYCHA residents. She expresses frustration with the lack of transparency, …
3 min
Testimony by Alicia Griggs on NYCHA Living Conditions and Son's Death
Alicia Griggs provided emotional testimony about the death of her son, Michael Gavin Sentron, which she attributes to environmental hazards in her NYCHA apartment at Jacob Riis Houses. She detailed …
3 min
Testimony by Manny Martinez, Resident Council President of South Jamaica Houses, on NYCHA Compliance and Resident Organization Issues
Manny Martinez, Resident Council President of South Jamaica Houses, testified about compliance issues within NYCHA and concerns regarding resident organization rights. He highlighted the importance of the 2019 agreement's line …
3 min
Testimony by Cynthia Tibbs, Tenant Association President of West Side Urban Renewal Brownstones
Cynthia Tibbs, Tenant Association President of West Side Urban Renewal Brownstones, expresses frustration with the federal monitorship of NYCHA and lack of communication with tenant leaders. She criticizes NYCHA's management …
129 sec
Testimony by Dana Elden, President of Saint Mary's Park Houses and President of Firing the Address of Federal Mogi Group
Dana Elden, President of Saint Mary's Park Houses, testifies about ongoing issues with NYCHA services, particularly focusing on heating problems and lack of communication with federal monitors. She expresses frustration …
3 min
Testimony by Christina Chaise, Second Vice President of Resident Association Board
Christina Chaise, Second Vice President of the Resident Association Board, testified about ongoing issues in NYCHA housing, focusing on the need for transparency, oversight, and improvements in various areas. She …
129 sec