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Overview of the 2019 HUD agreement and its goals



73 sec

Greenburg provides an overview of the 2019 HUD agreement signed between NYCHA, the City of New York, and HUD. The agreement aims to remedy deficient physical conditions in NYCHA properties and improve residents' quality of life.

  • The agreement sets performance targets for 7 high-priority areas: lead-based paint, mold, heat, elevators, inspections, pests, and waste management
  • A third-party federal monitor oversees the work undertaken as part of the agreement
  • NYCHA works closely with the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York and HUD
Brad Greenburg
On the history of that agreement and the ownership, Nietta and the city of New York signed the agreement with HUD in January 2019.
The agreement's overarching goal is to remedy deficient physical conditions in Nietta properties and deliver for residents across the city.
The agreement sets performance targets with specific deadlines for 7 high priority focus areas, lead based paint, mold, heat, elevators, inspections, pests, and waste management.
The work undertaken as part of the agreement is overseen by a 3rd party federal monitor.
We also work every day with our federal partners in the US attorney's office for the Southern District of New York and in the US Department of Housing And Urban Development.
We have a strong and productive relationship with the monitor characterized by robust communication and collaboration.
The monitor's team participates in regular staff meetings to discuss our efforts, and ISO leadership speaks frequently with the monitor team.
Today, I want to walk you through the agreement, give you some examples of how we have changed it.
We do business to comply with federal law, and then provide you an update on the work we have been doing across the city to improve physical conditions at night trip properties.
If we can go to the next slide.
First, as you can see on this slide 2, the agreement is far reaching. pigeon logo

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