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New York City Council
Committee on Criminal Justice
Oct 31, 2024
10:00 AM
4 hr 13 min
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A hearing on preventing and addressing sexual assault and harassment in New York City jails, particularly at Rikers Island.
Discussions focused on:
- The high rates of sexual abuse allegations
- Inadequate investigation procedures
- Low substantiation rates of complaints
- The need for systemic reforms
The hearing examined the impact of the Adult Survivors Act, which led to over 700 lawsuits alleging sexual abuse at Rikers spanning decades.
Council members pressed for more accountability, improved training, and comprehensive oversight.
Features testimony from the Department of Correction (DOC), Correctional Health Services (CHS), Department of Investigation (DOI), sexual abuse survivors, and the public.
Meeting chapters
Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.
Council Member Sandy Nurse's opening remarks on sexual assault in city jails
Council Member Sandy Nurse opens the oversight hearing on preventing and addressing sexual assault and harassment in city jails. She highlights the persistent issue of sexual abuse at Rikers Island, …
4 min
Testimony by Karen Klines, Survivor of Sexual Abuse while Incarcerated
Karen Klines, a survivor of sexual abuse while incarcerated, provided powerful testimony about her experiences and the lack of accountability for abusers in the prison system. She emphasized the ongoing …
167 sec
Testimony by Tasha Carter Beasley, Former Inmate at Rikers Island
Tasha Carter Beasley, a former inmate at Rikers Island, provides powerful testimony about her experiences of sexual abuse and the long-lasting trauma it has caused. She details the challenges of …
12 min
Testimony by Seton Saco on Sexual Violence in Prisons
Seton Saco, a former inmate at Rikers Island, provided testimony about his experience of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching by a staff member during his incarceration about 8 years ago. …
175 sec
Testimony by Donna Hylton on Sexual Abuse at Rikers Island
Donna Hylton provides testimony about her personal experience of sexual abuse as an adolescent at Rikers Island nearly 40 years ago, highlighting the ongoing nature of such abuse in the …
12 min
Council Member Sandy Nurse thanks survivors for their testimony and acknowledges the impact of the hearing
Council Member Sandy Nurse expresses gratitude to the survivors who testified and acknowledges the importance of their testimony. She emphasizes the council's commitment to addressing the issues raised and the …
104 sec
Council Member Carlina Rivera addresses sexual abuse in city jails and introduces legislation
Council Member Carlina Rivera expresses empathy for sexual abuse survivors in city jails and discusses legislative efforts to address the issue. She introduces her bill, Intro 792, which would require …
149 sec
Introduction and zero tolerance policy for sexual assault in jails
Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie introduces herself and emphasizes the Department of Correction's zero tolerance policy for sexual assault and harassment in New York City jails. She stresses the importance of safety …
36 sec
Overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act and DOC compliance
The Commissioner provides an overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and its standards, explaining how the Department of Correction has been working towards compliance since 2015. She also …
77 sec
DOC's PREA compliance and investigation units
The Commissioner describes the Department of Correction's PREA compliance unit and PREA investigation unit, explaining their roles in managing policies and procedures related to preventing and responding to sexual abuse …
65 sec
Training requirements for DOC staff, contractors, and volunteers
The Commissioner outlines the training requirements for all Department of Correction staff, contractors, and volunteers working in the jails regarding sexual abuse and harassment prevention and reporting. - All DOC …
28 sec
Screening and orientation procedures for individuals in custody
The Commissioner explains the screening and orientation procedures for individuals entering DOC custody, focusing on assessing risk and informing new admissions about reporting sexual abuse and harassment. - Every individual …
34 sec
Reporting mechanisms for sexual abuse allegations
The Commissioner details the various pathways available for reporting sexual abuse and harassment allegations within the Department of Correction facilities. - Multiple reporting options are provided, including hotlines to various …
50 sec
Investigation processes for sexual abuse allegations
The Commissioner outlines the investigation processes for sexual abuse allegations within the Department of Correction, including initial steps, timeline requirements, and the roles of different agencies. - Allegations of staff …
175 sec
Classification of investigation outcomes and disciplinary measures
The Commissioner explains how sexual abuse and harassment investigations are classified and the potential disciplinary measures for substantiated allegations. - Investigations are classified as substantiated, unsubstantiated, or unfounded based on …
47 sec
Handling of staff victimization cases and support services
The Commissioner addresses the issue of sexual assault and harassment experienced by DOC staff, external providers, and volunteers, outlining the investigation process and support services available. - Staff victimization cases …
158 sec
Discussion of proposed legislation (Intro 792 and Intro 830)
The Commissioner introduces two pieces of proposed legislation related to sexual abuse and harassment in DOC facilities: Intro 792 and Intro 830. - Intro 792 would require DOC to establish …
27 sec
Implementation of new electronic case management system
The Commissioner provides details on the implementation of a new electronic case management system for tracking sexual abuse and harassment cases within the Department of Correction. - DOC has been …
109 sec
Commitment to improvement and PREA compliance
The Commissioner concludes her testimony by reaffirming the Department of Correction's commitment to eliminating sexual misconduct in its facilities and improving compliance with PREA standards. - DOC maintains a zero-tolerance …
37 sec
Introduction and overview of CHS's role in addressing sexual assault in city jails
Jeanette Merrill, Senior Assistant Vice President of Communications and External Affairs for NYC Health And Hospitals Correctional Health Services (CHS), introduces herself and outlines the focus of her testimony. She …
29 sec
CHS efforts to address sexual assault and abuse against staff
CHS has implemented various measures to ensure staff safety and address workplace violence, including sexual offenses. These efforts involve collaboration with the Department of Correction (DOC) and healthcare unions. - …
101 sec
CHS policies and procedures for staff hiring and training
CHS implemented robust processes for employee background checks and security screenings after becoming the direct provider of correctional healthcare in 2016. The organization has strict policies regarding the hiring and …
65 sec
Reporting and handling of sexual abuse allegations involving CHS staff
CHS has established a clear process for reporting and handling sexual abuse allegations involving staff members. This process involves multiple departments and agencies to ensure thorough investigation and appropriate action. …
38 sec
Screening and care for patients with history of trauma or abuse
CHS implements comprehensive screening processes and provides individualized care for patients with a history of trauma or abuse. Special attention is given to mental health needs and intimate partner violence …
81 sec
Patient reporting mechanisms for sexual assault and abuse
CHS has established multiple pathways for patients to report sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. These mechanisms ensure that patients have various options to disclose abuse and seek help. - Patients …
30 sec
Medical evaluation and follow-up care for patients reporting sexual abuse
CHS has comprehensive procedures for medical evaluation, documentation, and follow-up care for patients who report sexual abuse. This includes both immediate care and long-term support services. - Patients are seen …
67 sec
Conclusion: CHS's commitment to preventing sexual abuse and building patient trust
Jeanette Merrill concludes her testimony by emphasizing CHS's commitment to preventing sexual assault, abuse, and harassment in city jails. She highlights the importance of building trust between providers and patients …
22 sec
DOC Commissioner's background and acknowledgment of sexual abuse allegations
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions DOC Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie about her tenure at DOC and her stance on the sexual abuse allegations at Rikers Island. - Commissioner Maginley-Liddie has been …
3 min
DOC's process for investigating sexual abuse allegations
Ingris Martinez, Deputy Director of Investigations for the PREA unit, explains the process for investigating sexual abuse allegations at DOC. - Investigations begin immediately upon receiving an allegation - If …
166 sec
Criteria for founded sexual abuse cases and staff suspension procedures
DOC officials explain the criteria for founded sexual abuse cases and the procedures for staff suspension during investigations. - Determinations are based on federal standards and the preponderance of evidence …
116 sec
Current number of open sexual abuse investigations
Ingris Martinez provides information on the current number of open sexual abuse investigations at DOC. - For the year 2024 to date, there have been 193 reported incidents - Currently, …
62 sec
Investigations exceeding 90-day limit
Ingris Martinez provides information on the number of investigations exceeding the 90-day limit and reasons for delays. - Currently, 4 investigations are over the 90-day limit - Delays are due …
23 sec
Staff members suspended or on modified duty due to sexual abuse allegations
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the number of DOC staff members currently suspended or on modified duty due to sexual abuse allegations. - DOC officials do not have the …
65 sec
Correction officers fired or resigned after sexual abuse investigations
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about the number of correction officers fired or resigned in 2024 after investigations into sexual abuse. - DOC officials do not have the immediate information …
27 sec
Delays in completing investigations within 90 days
DOC officials explain reasons for delays in completing sexual abuse investigations within the 90-day timeframe. - The share of investigations taking over 90 days increased from 23% in 2022 to …
4 min
Staffing needs for investigators
DOC officials discuss the staffing needs for investigators to address the caseload more effectively. - The department is looking to onboard 14 additional investigators - This number is considered the …
21 sec
Explanation of 'fuller preliminary investigations'
Ingris Martinez explains the concept of 'fuller preliminary investigations' and how it has changed the investigation process. - Fuller preliminary investigations involve collecting all information at once to avoid re-victimizing …
70 sec
Investigator caseloads
Ingris Martinez provides details on the caseloads of DOC investigators handling sexual abuse allegations. - There are 19 total investigators, all of whom go out into the field - 14 …
109 sec
Use of temporary duty officers in investigations
Ingris Martinez provides information on the use of temporary duty (TDY) officers in the DOC's investigative division. - The investigation division unit has 10 TDY officers and 3 TDY supervisors …
80 sec
Role of DOC captains in investigations
Ingris Martinez clarifies the role of DOC captains in PREA investigations. - Captains within the investigation division serve in supervisory roles - All PREA incident investigations are confidential - Facility …
64 sec
Recent disciplinary outcomes for sexual abuse cases
James Conroy, General Counsel for DOC, provides an update on recent disciplinary outcomes for sexual abuse cases in 2024. - 5 cases are currently open or pending, some carried over …
49 sec
Low substantiation rates for sexual abuse allegations
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions DOC officials about the low substantiation rates for sexual abuse allegations compared to national averages. - Since 2015, only 0.5% of PREA-reportable sexual abuse allegations …
155 sec
DOC efforts to improve investigation processes and substantiation rates
Commissioner Maginley-Liddie outlines DOC's efforts to improve investigation processes and increase substantiation rates for sexual abuse allegations. - Key initiatives include: - Revamping and increasing training for staff - Implementing …
110 sec
Council Member Marte's opening remarks and acknowledgments
Council Member Christopher Marte opens the session with heartfelt acknowledgments and remarks. He expresses gratitude to the four women present for their courage and power in testifying, emphasizing the impact …
42 sec
Status of PREA investigator training with NYPD Special Victims Course
Council Member Marte inquires about the status of PREA investigator training, specifically regarding the NYPD Special Victims Course. DOC officials respond, revealing that while all investigators received this training in …
98 sec
Importance of refresher training for PREA investigators
Council Member Marte inquires about the importance of annual refresher training for PREA investigators. DOC Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie agrees on the significance of ongoing training and provides information on recent …
69 sec
Overview of DOC's PREA training program and compliance rates
Dr. Jeremiah Johnson, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Training and Development at DOC, provides a comprehensive overview of the department's PREA training program. He outlines the program's history, content, and recent …
113 sec
Status of forensic experiential trauma interview training for PREA investigators
Council Member Marte inquires about the status of forensic experiential trauma interview training for PREA investigators. DOC officials acknowledge that not all current investigators have received this specialized training. - …
36 sec
Changes in DOC's investigation practices since 2019 Board of Corrections audit
DOC officials explain the changes implemented in their investigation practices since the 2019 Board of Corrections audit. These changes aim to improve the integrity of investigations and reduce re-victimization of …
3 min
Measures to protect witnesses and complainants from retaliation
DOC officials outline the measures in place to protect witnesses and complainants from retaliation following sexual assault allegations. These measures include immediate actions and ongoing monitoring. - Victims are immediately …
104 sec
Procedures for transferring and protecting victims within facilities
DOC officials explain the procedures for transferring and protecting victims of sexual assault within their facilities. The process involves multiple steps to ensure the safety of the victims. - Separation …
76 sec
Council Member Stevens expresses concern over widespread sexual assault issues
Council Member Althea Stevens opens with a powerful statement expressing her distress over the pervasive issue of sexual assault across various city systems, including juvenile detention, foster care, and now …
134 sec
DOC measures to protect staff from sexual assault
Council Member Stevens inquires about the protective measures DOC takes to keep staff safe from sexual assault. DOC officials describe their approach, focusing on training and reporting procedures. - DOC …
114 sec
Services and support for DOC staff who experience sexual assault
Council Member Stevens presses DOC officials on the specific services and support provided to staff members who experience sexual assault. The discussion reveals gaps in current support systems and plans …
130 sec
Timeline for implementing additional staff training and support
Council Member Stevens presses DOC officials on the timeline for implementing additional training and support for staff. The exchange reveals a lack of concrete plans and timelines from DOC leadership. …
130 sec
Explanation of peer support models and staff training programs
Dr. Johnson explains the department's plans for implementing peer support models and resilience training for staff. Council Member Stevens continues to press for more concrete details and timelines. - Peer …
3 min
Status of PREA compliance audits for DOC facilities
Council Member Stevens inquires about the status of PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) compliance audits for DOC facilities. The discussion reveals that the department has not completed these audits as …
82 sec
Implementation of body cameras for DOC staff
Council Member Stevens inquires about the implementation of body cameras for DOC staff. The DOC Commissioner provides an update on the department's plans for body-worn cameras. - In May, there …
77 sec
DOI recommendations for enhancing camera coverage in jails
Council Member Stevens inquires about the implementation of DOI recommendations for enhancing camera coverage in jails. The discussion reveals that not all recommendations have been fully implemented. - DOI recommended …
45 sec
Status of cameras in transport vehicles for people in custody
Council Member Stevens inquires about the status of cameras in transport vehicles for people in custody, following up on a 2019 pilot program mandated by the Board of Correction. - …
55 sec
Council Member Stevens' closing remarks on collaboration and accountability
Council Member Stevens delivers closing remarks emphasizing the importance of collaboration and accountability in addressing the serious issues of sexual assault in city systems. - Stevens reiterates that it has …
46 sec
Council Member Nurse criticizes DOC's lack of communication and follow-through
Council Member Sandy Nurse expresses frustration with DOC's ongoing communication issues and lack of follow-through on promised actions and information. - Nurse supports Stevens' line of questioning as appropriate given …
85 sec
Discussion on evidence standards and low substantiation rates for sexual abuse claims
Council Member Cabán questions DOC officials about the standards of evidence used for substantiating sexual abuse claims and expresses concern about low substantiation rates. The discussion covers: - The definition …
3 min
DOC's definitions of sexual abuse and inappropriate behavior
Council Member Cabán presses DOC officials on their definitions of sexual abuse and inappropriate behavior. Key points include: - DOC's definition of sexual abuse, which includes crimes under New York …
3 min
Debate on verbal statements as sexual abuse
Council Member Cabán questions DOC officials about their classification and investigation of verbal sexual abuse. The discussion reveals: - DOC does not classify verbal statements of a sexual nature as …
153 sec
Handling of situations involving transgender or intersex individuals
Council Member Cabán questions DOC officials about their policies and practices regarding transgender and intersex individuals. Key points include: - DOC's policy on asking transgender or intersex individuals about their …
122 sec
Discussion of Intro 830 and Council Member Cabán's closing remarks
Council Member Cabán questions DOC officials about Intro 830 and expresses her frustration with their responses. The discussion covers: - Intro 830's requirement for DOC to work with national experts …
3 min
Council Member Narcisse shares personal experience of sexual harassment
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse shares a personal experience of sexual harassment from her high school years to emphasize the seriousness of the issue being discussed. She describes an incident where …
64 sec
Discussion on implementation of DOI recommendations for camera coverage in jails
Council Member Narcisse inquires about the implementation of Department of Investigation (DOI) recommendations regarding camera coverage in city jails. Commissioner Maginley-Liddie responds, explaining the current status of these recommendations. - …
131 sec
Detailed explanation of the process for reporting and investigating sexual abuse complaints
Deputy Director Ingris Martinez provides a comprehensive explanation of the process for reporting and investigating sexual abuse complaints in city jails. The process involves multiple reporting pathways and a series …
3 min
Inquiry about medical team involvement in physical abuse cases
Council Member Narcisse inquires about the timing and involvement of medical teams in physical abuse cases. Deputy Director Martinez provides a brief explanation of the process. - The timing of …
33 sec
Review process for abuse and harassment reports among staff
Commissioner Maginley-Liddie and Associate Commissioner McCormick explain the process for addressing and reviewing abuse and harassment reports among staff members in the Department of Correction. - Incidents involving staff are …
125 sec
Emphasis on the importance of mental health support and follow-up for abuse victims
Council Member Narcisse stresses the critical importance of providing ongoing mental health support and follow-up care for victims of abuse in the correctional system. She emphasizes the long-lasting impact of …
31 sec
Acknowledgment of trauma in corrections and the need to prioritize staff well-being
Commissioner Maginley-Liddie acknowledges the significant trauma experienced in the corrections field and emphasizes the department's commitment to prioritizing staff well-being and safety in the jails. - The commissioner recognizes the …
62 sec
New York City's responsibility to lead by example in addressing safety issues
Council Member Narcisse emphasizes New York City's responsibility to lead by example in addressing safety issues within the correctional system. She stresses the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being …
42 sec
Discussion of Adult Survivor Act lawsuits and allegations against DOC staff
Council Member Sandy Nurse initiates a discussion about Adult Survivor Act lawsuits filed against the Department of Correction (DOC). She highlights specific cases where correction officers accused of sexual assault …
108 sec
DOC's process for handling lawsuit notifications and removing accused officers
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions DOC officials about their process for receiving notifications about lawsuits and the timeline for removing accused officers from duty. The discussion reveals challenges in the …
5 min
DOC's approach to lawsuits with anonymous 'John Doe' or 'Jane Doe' officers
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about DOC's handling of lawsuits that involve detailed descriptions of alleged perpetrators named only as 'CEO John Doe' or 'CEO Jane Doe'. The discussion focuses …
5 min
Supervisory rounds and DOI recommendations to reduce sexual misconduct
The council discusses the importance of supervisory rounds in preventing abuse and examines DOI recommendations aimed at reducing opportunities for sexual misconduct in correctional facilities. - DOC explains their two-fold …
3 min
Debate on male officers guarding female inmates without supervision
Council Member Sandy Nurse raises concerns about the practice of male correction officers guarding female inmates without supervision, citing expert opinions that this violates correctional best practices. - Nurse references …
3 min
DOC's awareness and response to 'deadlocking' allegations
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions DOC officials about their awareness of the practice known as 'deadlocking' and the department's response to recent allegations. - Commissioner Maginley-Liddie claims she has never …
132 sec
Introduction and overview of DOI's role in DOC oversight
Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber introduces herself and outlines the Department of Investigation's oversight role regarding sexual abuse and harassment in New York City Department of Correction facilities. - DOI is responsible …
20 sec
Scale of sexual abuse problem and DOI's responsibilities
Commissioner Strauber addresses the alarming scale of sexual abuse allegations in DOC facilities and outlines DOI's responsibilities in addressing these issues. - Over 700 lawsuits alleging sexual abuse of women …
90 sec
PREA standards and DOC Directive 5011
Commissioner Strauber explains the legal and policy framework governing sexual abuse prevention and response in correctional facilities. - The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003 established federal mandates to …
64 sec
DOI's mandate and focus areas for DOC investigations
Commissioner Strauber outlines DOI's broader mandate and specific focus areas for investigations related to the Department of Correction. - DOI investigates fraud, waste, abuse, corruption, and illegal activities by city …
55 sec
Process for reporting and assessing sexual abuse complaints
Commissioner Strauber details the process for reporting and assessing sexual abuse complaints within the DOC system. - Both persons in custody and staff can report alleged sexual abuse through DOI's …
166 sec
DOI's investigative team structure and training
Commissioner Strauber outlines the structure and training of DOI's investigative team responsible for DOC oversight. - Approximately 23 investigators are assigned to DOI's Squad 1, which oversees DOC - 12 …
37 sec
Statistics on sexual misconduct complaints and investigations
Commissioner Strauber presents statistics on sexual misconduct complaints received and investigations opened by DOI. - For calendar years 2022, 2023, and 2024 (as of October 24th), DOI received 3,022 complaints …
57 sec
Challenges in investigating sexual misconduct in jails
Commissioner Strauber outlines the unique challenges faced when investigating sexual misconduct in city jail facilities. - Victims may be hesitant to come forward or cooperate due to shame or fear, …
47 sec
Arrest and referral statistics for sexual misconduct cases
Commissioner Strauber provides statistics on arrests and referrals resulting from sexual misconduct investigations in DOC facilities. - Since 2017, DOI has investigated approximately 58 complaints of staff-on-inmate sexual abuse or …
83 sec
Policy and procedure recommendations (PPRs) to improve DOC policies
Commissioner Strauber explains DOI's role in making policy and procedure recommendations to strengthen internal controls and oversight within DOC. - Since 2014, DOI has issued 35 PPRs related to sexual …
69 sec
Ongoing efforts and commitment to eradicating sexual abuse in DOC facilities
Commissioner Strauber concludes by emphasizing DOI's ongoing commitment to eradicating sexual abuse and harassment in DOC facilities. - Recent lawsuits and ongoing investigations highlight the need for continued active efforts …
46 sec
DOI's use of correction officers in sexual abuse investigations
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber about the composition of DOI's investigative team, particularly the use of correction officers and captains detailed from DOC. The discussion covers the …
6 min
Potential for large-scale DOI investigation into systemic problems at DOC
Council Member Sandy Nurse inquires about DOI's consideration of a large-scale investigation into systemic problems at DOC, given the recent Adult Survivors Act lawsuits. Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber acknowledges that DOI …
3 min
Resource needs for comprehensive DOI investigation into DOC
Council Member Sandy Nurse and Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber discuss the resource requirements for conducting a comprehensive investigation into DOC. The commissioner emphasizes the need for additional staff, while the council …
74 sec
Council Member Stevens proposes comprehensive investigation into sexual assault across correctional facilities
Council Member Althea Stevens proposes a comprehensive investigation into sexual assault across various correctional facilities, including adult and juvenile centers. She emphasizes the importance of proper funding for the Department …
170 sec
Council member questions DOI commissioner on sexual abuse allegation procedures
Council Member Sandy Nurse questions DOI Commissioner Jocelyn Strauber about the process of handling sexual abuse allegations in city jails. The discussion covers the types of evidence provided by DOC, …
4 min
Testimony by Anna Kull, Attorney at Levy Konigsberg, on Sexual Abuse in NYC Jails
Anna Kull, an attorney representing sexual abuse survivors, testified about the ongoing issue of sexual abuse within New York City prisons, particularly at the Rose M. Singer Center on Rikers …
6 min
Testimony by Konstantin Yelisavetskiy, Managing Attorney at Slater Slater Schulman LLP
Konstantin Yelisavetskiy, Managing Attorney at Slater Slater Schulman LLP, testified about the pervasive issue of sexual assault in New York City jails, particularly at Rikers Island. He highlighted the failure …
4 min
Testimony by Barbara Hamilton, Director of Incarcerated Client Services at Legal Aid Society
Barbara Hamilton from Legal Aid Society testified on the urgent need for action to address sexual abuse in NYC jails, particularly criticizing the Department of Correction's ineffective policies and investigations. …
3 min
Testimony by Michael Klinger, Jail Services Attorney from Brooklyn Defender Services
Michael Klinger, a jail services attorney from Brooklyn Defender Services, testified about sexual abuse in Rikers Island jails. He emphasized the underreporting of sexual abuse allegations and the fear inmates …
124 sec
Testimony by Leah Faria, Director of Community Engagement at Women's Community Justice Association
Leah Faria, representing the Women's Community Justice Association and the Beyond ROSIE's campaign, testified about the widespread sexual abuse at Rikers Island's Rose M. Singer Center. She criticized the city's …
3 min
Testimony by Yonah Zeitz, Advocacy Director of Katal Center for Equity Health and Justice
Yonah Zeitz, representing the Katal Center for Equity Health and Justice, testified about the urgent need to address the crisis at Rikers Island jail complex, particularly focusing on the issues …
3 min
Testimony by Christopher Leon Johnson on Sexual Assault in City Jails
Christopher Leon Johnson testified about the need to address sexual assault in city jails, emphasizing that the issue affects not only inmates but also corrections officers and employees. He argued …
3 min
Testimony by Chaplain Dr. Victoria Phillips, Founder/CEO of Visionary V, on Sexual Assault in NYC Jails
Chaplain Dr. Victoria Phillips, Founder/CEO of Visionary V, testified about the ongoing issues of sexual assault in NYC jails, particularly at Rikers Island. She criticized the lack of concrete answers …
3 min