Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
New York City Council
Committee on Fire and Emergency Management
Nov 01, 2024
10:00 AM
3 hr 1 min
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A hearing on increasing ambulance response times in New York City.
Discussions focused on factors contributing to delays, including rising call volumes, hospital closures, traffic congestion, and staffing challenges.
The committee explored geographic disparities in response times, hospital turnaround delays, and new initiatives like Hospital Liaison Officers.
Council members and public speakers urged for increased funding, better resource allocation, and addressing pay parity issues for EMS workers. The need for technological upgrades, particularly the outdated Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, was also highlighted.
Features testimony from the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), NYC Health + Hospitals, and the public, including families affected by long ambulance wait times.
Meeting chapters
Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.
Council Member Joann Ariola's opening remarks on ambulance response times
Council Member Joann Ariola, chair of the Fire and Emergency Management Committee, delivers opening remarks for a joint committee hearing on increasing ambulance response times in New York City. She …
4 min
Council Member Gale Brewer introduces the hearing and acknowledges participants
Council Member Gale Brewer opens the hearing by introducing herself and her role as Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Investigations. She acknowledges the other committee chairs, representatives from …
44 sec
Previous hearing and current data on ambulance response times
Council Member Brewer recalls a previous hearing in October 2023 on emergency response times and presents current data showing a concerning trend in ambulance response times. - References October 2023 …
65 sec
Factors contributing to increased emergency response times
Council Member Brewer lists several factors that may be contributing to the increase in emergency response times in New York City. - Mentions emergency room delays, ER staffing, and increased …
39 sec
Analysis of EMS response time trends
Council Member Brewer presents an analysis of EMS response time trends based on data from the Mayor's Management Report and other sources. - Notes that average FDNY EMS response time …
76 sec
Geographic disparities in response times and call for explanations
Council Member Brewer highlights geographic disparities in emergency response times and calls for explanations and solutions from city agencies. - Points out that certain boroughs and neighborhoods experience significantly higher …
93 sec
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse introduces herself and thanks the committee
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse introduces herself and expresses gratitude to the committee for holding the hearing on emergency medical services. - Identifies herself as Council Member Mercedes Narcisse - Thanks …
13 sec
Council Member Narcisse highlights her expertise and the importance of timely emergency services
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse emphasizes her role as chair of the committee on hospitals and her background as a registered ER nurse, underscoring her understanding of the critical nature of …
18 sec
Increasing ambulance response times and their impact on communities
Council Member Narcisse expresses concern over increasing ambulance response times and their potential life-threatening impact on vulnerable communities, particularly in District 46. - Highlights the risk to life posed by …
81 sec
Impact of hospital closures and service downsizing on emergency care
Council Member Narcisse discusses the worsening situation due to hospital closures and downsizing of essential services, highlighting the strain on safety net hospitals and emergency departments. - Mentions the planned …
57 sec
National shortage of emergency medical personnel and its impact
Council Member Narcisse addresses the national shortage of emergency medical personnel and its compounding effect on the current crisis. - Highlights the shortage across all emergency medical staff, including nurses, …
21 sec
Overcrowding and increased demand in emergency departments
Council Member Narcisse discusses the increasing strain on emergency departments due to rising patient volumes, longer wait times, and complex health issues. - Mentions a 6% increase in emergency department …
66 sec
Call to action for addressing gaps in the healthcare system
Council Member Narcisse concludes with a strong call to action, emphasizing the urgent need to address gaps in the healthcare system and provide support for overworked staff. - Stresses that …
85 sec
Introduction and overview of EMS response times
Michael Fields, Chief of Emergency Medical Services at NYFD, introduces himself and his colleagues to the City Council committees. He outlines the purpose of his testimony, which is to discuss …
35 sec
Increasing ambulance response times over recent years
Chief Fields presents data showing a significant increase in EMS response times for life-threatening emergencies in New York City over the past few years. He compares pre-COVID, during-COVID, and post-COVID …
44 sec
Overview of factors contributing to increased response times
Chief Fields introduces the various factors that are contributing to the increase in EMS response times. He emphasizes that the fire department is taking a comprehensive approach to address these …
30 sec
Increasing call volume and life-threatening incidents
Chief Fields presents data showing a significant increase in overall call volume and life-threatening incidents over the past few years. This increase in demand is putting pressure on EMS resources. …
73 sec
Changes in ambulance unit deployment during and after COVID-19
Chief Fields explains how the FDNY adjusted ambulance deployment during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent return to pre-pandemic levels. This shift has impacted response times. - During peak COVID, …
63 sec
Private hospital partners withdrawing from 911 system
Chief Fields highlights the issue of private hospital partners reducing their participation in the 911 system, which puts additional strain on FDNY resources. - Some private hospitals have removed ambulance …
22 sec
Efforts to educate public on alternatives to 911 for non-life-threatening issues
Chief Fields discusses FDNY's efforts to educate the public about alternatives to calling 911 for non-life-threatening medical issues. This initiative aims to reduce unnecessary 911 calls and alleviate pressure on …
46 sec
Telemedicine initiatives with Health and Hospitals
Chief Fields outlines a telemedicine initiative in collaboration with Health and Hospitals to provide alternative care options for non-emergency cases, potentially reducing unnecessary hospital transports. - EMS crews can connect …
24 sec
Hospital turnaround times and their impact on response times
Chief Fields explains how increasing hospital turnaround times are significantly impacting overall EMS response times. He details the legal requirements and logistical challenges that contribute to this issue. - Turnaround …
84 sec
Hospital Liaison Officer pilot program and other turnaround time initiatives
Chief Fields outlines several initiatives aimed at reducing hospital turnaround times, with a focus on the Hospital Liaison Officer (HLO) pilot program. - FDNY is implementing a pilot program to …
70 sec
Traffic and urban landscape changes affecting response times
Chief Fields discusses how changes in New York City's urban landscape and traffic patterns are impacting EMS response times. He highlights several factors that are making it more challenging for …
56 sec
Measures to improve EMS response times and dispatch efficiency
Chief Fields outlines several initiatives aimed at improving EMS response times by enhancing dispatch efficiency and information gathering. These efforts focus on optimizing the early stages of the 911 response …
48 sec
Adam Response Units pilot program
Chief Fields introduces the Adam Response Units pilot program, a new initiative designed to provide faster initial care in high-need areas while waiting for transport ambulances to arrive. - Adam …
39 sec
EMS ASAP vehicles deployment in dense urban areas
Chief Fields explains the continued use and strategic deployment of EMS ASAP vehicles in dense urban areas that are challenging for traditional ambulances to navigate quickly. - EMS ASAP vehicles …
42 sec
EMS headcount and increased call volume
Council Member Joann Ariola questions Chief Michael Fields about EMS headcount increases in response to rising call volumes. Chief Fields explains that while they have increased headcount through regular academy …
87 sec
EMS staff retention and lieutenant vacancies
Council Member Ariola addresses the issue of EMS staff retention and lieutenant vacancies. Chief Fields provides updates on recent efforts to fill lieutenant positions. - Pay parity is cited as …
57 sec
Hospital Liaison Officer (HLO) pilot program
Chief Michael Fields explains the Hospital Liaison Officer (HLO) pilot program, which aims to improve ambulance turnaround times at hospitals. - HLOs are being placed at the busiest H+H facilities …
35 sec
Ambulance out-of-service rates and reasons
Chief Evan Suchecki explains the out-of-service rates for FDNY ambulances and the primary reasons for these rates. - Approximately 21% of the emergency frontline fleet is out of service at …
51 sec
FDNY ambulance fleet size and availability
Chief Evan Suchecki provides information on the FDNY ambulance fleet size and current availability. - The frontline fleet consists of 669 ambulances - Currently, 526 ambulances are available for service …
52 sec
Ambulance maintenance and turnaround times
Chief Evan Suchecki explains the maintenance process and turnaround times for FDNY ambulances. - Turnaround time depends on the reason for the ambulance being out of service - For preventative …
65 sec
Resource availability for ambulance repairs
Chief Evan Suchecki addresses questions about resources for ambulance repairs and parts availability. - Parts availability is returning to normal but still faces some challenges related to COVID-19 aftermath - …
27 sec
Geographic disparities in emergency response times
Council Member Ariola raises concerns about geographic disparities in emergency response times, and Chief Michael Fields explains the factors contributing to these disparities and efforts to address them. - Areas …
119 sec
Telehealth initiatives for EMS
Chief Michael Fields explains the current telehealth initiatives in place for EMS, particularly the use of telemedicine to potentially reduce unnecessary ambulance dispatches. - The department has a telemedicine system …
64 sec
911 call triage and ambulance dispatch criteria
Chief Michael Fields explains the current 911 call triage process and ambulance dispatch criteria for medical emergencies. - Generally, all 911 calls for medical emergencies result in an ambulance dispatch …
87 sec
Tracking ambulance use of lights and sirens
Council Member Ariola inquires about the ability to track ambulance use of lights and sirens, particularly for calls where they shouldn't be used. Chief Evan Suchecki provides a brief response. …
54 sec
Ambulance station locations and resource allocation strategies
Council Member Brewer inquires about the locations of ambulance stations and resource allocation. Chief Fields explains that FDNY has 40 stations, but ambulances are positioned at core street locations for …
65 sec
Comparison of fire engine and ambulance emergency response
Council Member Brewer asks Chief Fields to explain the difference between fire engine and ambulance response times and capabilities. Fields describes how fire engines, or CFR units, are used to …
92 sec
Ambulance availability and staffing challenges in NYC
Council Member Brewer inquires about the number of ambulances not in use due to staffing issues. Chief Fields explains the distinction between ambulances and staffed units, and discusses the challenges …
110 sec
Expansion of the Hospital Liaison Officer (HLO) program
Council Member Brewer inquires about the expansion of the Hospital Liaison Officer (HLO) program to address emergency room delays. Chief Fields outlines the plans for implementing this program in NYC …
71 sec
Factors contributing to increased emergency call volume
Council Member Brewer asks Chief Fields about the reasons behind the record increase in emergency call volume. Fields shares his perspective on the issue. - Chief Fields believes public education …
44 sec
Distinguishing between life-threatening and non-life-threatening emergencies
Council Member Brewer asks Chief Fields to explain the difference between life-threatening and non-life-threatening emergencies, and how this affects EMS operations. - Non-life-threatening emergencies are considered low acuity and could …
143 sec
911 dispatch process and emergency call prioritization
Chief Fields explains the 911 dispatch process and how calls are prioritized based on the severity of the emergency. - Dispatchers use a set of algorithms and questions to assess …
61 sec
Criteria for dispatching fire engines versus ambulances
Chief Fields explains the criteria used to determine whether to dispatch a fire engine, an ambulance, or both to an emergency call. - The decision is based on the priority …
84 sec
EMS staffing challenges and ongoing contract negotiations
Council Member Brewer inquires about EMS staffing issues, retention challenges, and the status of union contract negotiations. Chief Fields responds while acknowledging limitations on what he can discuss. - FDNY …
112 sec
Council Member Ariola questions FDNY on 911 call reduction and ambulance staffing
Council Member Joann Ariola questions FDNY Chief Michael Fields about efforts to reduce unnecessary 911 calls and staffing requirements for different types of ambulances. Fields discusses ongoing outreach campaigns and …
118 sec
Council member inquires about Hospital Liaison Officer program training
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about the training received by Hospital Liaison Officers (HLOs) in the FDNY. Chief Michael Fields explains the training process, which includes: - Familiarization with emergency …
89 sec
Council member requests data on emergency call types and trends
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about data on different types of emergency calls and trends in life-threatening emergencies. FDNY officials respond: - Assistant Commissioner Rebecca Mason doesn't have specific data …
58 sec
FDNY chief explains impact of hospital closures on ambulance response times
Chief Michael Fields provides a detailed explanation of how hospital closures affect ambulance response times and emergency care in affected communities. Key points include: - When a hospital closes, ambulances …
144 sec
Discussion on misuse of 911 services for faster ER access
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse raises the issue of people calling 911 to get faster service in emergency rooms. Chief Michael Fields responds to this concern: - EMS takes non-life-threatening cases …
84 sec
FDNY addresses challenges in high-need communities
Chief Michael Fields explains how FDNY is addressing unique challenges in high-need communities, focusing on language barriers and building access issues: - For language barriers, EMS crews use phone applications …
83 sec
Discussion on FDNY coordination with DOT for emergency vehicle access
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about FDNY's coordination with the Department of Transportation (DOT) regarding street design and its impact on emergency vehicle response times. Chief Michael Fields responds: - …
100 sec
Brief overview of 911 dispatcher training
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about the training received by 911 dispatchers. Chief Michael Fields provides a brief overview: - Dispatchers receive training in normal 911 call receiving. - They …
38 sec
Discussion on procedures for transporting psychiatric patients
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about procedures for transporting patients experiencing a psychiatric crisis. Chief Michael Fields explains the process: - FDNY uses a CCC (Closest Comprehensive Care) criteria within …
80 sec
Discussion on potential impact of congestion pricing on FDNY operations
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse raises concerns about the potential impact of congestion pricing on ambulance response times and FDNY staff commutes. Chief Michael Fields responds: - He has not been …
99 sec
Council Member Marmorato questions FDNY on ambulance response times in the Bronx
Council Member Kristy Marmorato questions FDNY Chief Michael Fields about ambulance response times in the Bronx, particularly focusing on a case in City Island where a constituent waited 40 minutes …
3 min
Hospital turnaround times and ambulance protocols at emergency departments
Council Member Carlina Rivera inquires about hospital turnaround times for ambulances, which have increased from 34 to 41 minutes on average. Chief Michael Fields explains the general protocol for ambulances …
58 sec
Concerns about ambulance resources and patient dignity
Council Member Rivera raises concerns about the resources available in ambulances, particularly regarding patient dignity and care during transport. Chief Fields explains the general rule for replacing supplies used during …
99 sec
Impact of hospital closures on emergency department visits
Council Member Rivera inquires about the impact of hospital closures on emergency department visits, specifically mentioning the planned closure of Mount Sinai Beth Israel and its potential effect on Bellevue …
52 sec
Hospital diversions, redirections, and interagency coordination
Council Member Rivera inquires about the process of hospital diversions and redirections when emergency departments are overwhelmed. Chief Fields explains the FDNY's approach to managing these situations and coordinating ambulance …
122 sec
Impact of private ambulance reductions on FDNY coverage
Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about the reduction of private ambulances and its impact on FDNY operations. Chief Michael Fields explains that some private agencies have decreased their ambulance numbers …
50 sec
Plans for new CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system
Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about the implementation timeline and potential benefits of the new CAD system. Chief Michael Fields explains that the current system is over 30 years old, …
80 sec
Effectiveness of ambulance sirens in traffic
Council Member Gale Brewer raises concerns about the effectiveness of ambulance sirens in heavy traffic, noting that even taxis often don't move. She inquires about potential improvements to make sirens …
41 sec
Discussion on ambulance siren technology and innovations
Chief Evan Suchecki explains current ambulance siren technology and potential innovations being explored. He discusses the use of low-frequency 'rumbler' sirens and custom-made sirens to address noise concerns while ensuring …
94 sec
Ambulance out-of-service rates and reasons
Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about the number of ambulances out of service and the reasons behind it. Chief Evan Suchecki provides details on the out-of-service rates for FDNY ambulances. …
76 sec
Staffing challenges for ambulance services
Chief Michael Fields elaborates on the staffing challenges faced by FDNY's ambulance services, including the complexities of scheduling and maintaining adequate staffing levels. - A 24-hour ambulance requires 8 people …
4 min
Clarification on patient transfer protocols for EMTs and paramedics
Council Member Joann Ariola requests clarification on the differences in patient transfer protocols between EMTs and paramedics. Chief Michael Fields explains the distinctions based on the level of care provided. …
61 sec
Clarification on response time metrics for life-threatening emergencies
Council Member Joann Ariola seeks clarification on the discrepancy between reported response times for life-threatening calls. Rebecca Mason from FDNY explains the difference between two separate metrics used in reporting. …
56 sec
Reasons for EMS staff retention problems
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse inquires about the reasons for retention problems in EMS. Chief Michael Fields of FDNY explains several factors contributing to the difficulty in retaining staff: - Nationwide …
98 sec
FDNY's plans to improve EMS retention and recruitment
Chief Michael Fields outlines FDNY's strategies to improve retention and recruitment in EMS: - Focusing on increasing the number of EMTs through recruitment and training programs - Creating new promotional …
148 sec
Complaints about late-night ambulance sirens
Council Member Mercedes Narcisse raises concerns about ambulance sirens, particularly during late-night hours: - She mentions receiving numerous complaints from constituents about sirens at 3 or 4 in the morning …
28 sec
FDNY's approach to ambulance siren usage
Chiefs Michael Fields and Evan Suchecki explain FDNY's approach to ambulance siren usage: - FDNY does not regulate siren usage for private ambulance companies operating in the city - Safety …
164 sec
EMS staffing reductions and impact on response times since COVID
Council Member Lincoln Restler questions FDNY EMS Chief Michael Fields about the reduction in EMS units since the peak of the pandemic and its impact on response times. Chief Fields …
3 min
FDNY's response to increasing EMS response times
Council Member Restler presses Chief Fields on FDNY's efforts to address increasing response times, particularly regarding requests for additional resources from OMB and the mayor. Fields discusses various measures implemented …
124 sec
Impact of congestion pricing delay on EMS response times
Council Member Restler briefly inquires about the potential impact of the governor's delay or elimination of congestion pricing on EMS response times. The question is cut short as it's noted …
20 sec
Call for comprehensive city-wide approach to address response time increases
Council Member Restler emphasizes the need for a comprehensive, city-wide effort to address increasing response times across multiple departments, including NYPD and FDNY. He suggests that individual departments should not …
60 sec
Council Member Rivera discusses freestanding emergency departments and their impact on response times
Council Member Carlina Rivera inquires about the impact of freestanding emergency departments on ambulance response times and patient care. She discusses the potential benefits of these facilities in areas without …
175 sec
Factors contributing to increased patient volume at H+H hospitals
Council Member Narcisse and Dr. Birnbaum discuss the factors leading to increased patient volumes at H+H hospitals. Dr. Birnbaum explains that emergency departments have seen rising numbers of both high …
117 sec
Primary care alternatives and ET3 program initiatives
Dr. Birnbaum explains H+H's initiatives to provide alternatives to emergency department visits for lower acuity problems, focusing on the ET3 (Emergency Triage, Treatment, and Transport) program and virtual express care. …
165 sec
Staffing ratios and models in H+H emergency rooms
Dr. Birnbaum explains H+H's approach to staffing in emergency departments, highlighting the use of data-driven models for both nursing and physician staffing. Council Member Narcisse presses for specific ratios, but …
4 min
Emergency department wait times and hospital bed capacity
Dr. Birnbaum discusses H+H's approach to managing emergency department wait times and hospital bed capacity. The focus is on prioritizing patients based on acuity and providing care regardless of physical …
148 sec
Ambulance transfer wait times and reasons for delays
Dr. Birnbaum explains the factors contributing to ambulance transfer wait times and delays at H+H emergency departments. The primary reason cited is the increase in patient volume since 2020. - …
5 min
Interventions and coordination efforts to manage ambulance offload delays
Dr. Birnbaum discusses various interventions and coordination efforts implemented by H+H to manage ambulance offload delays and improve efficiency in emergency departments. - Language access support is available through interpreter …
4 min
H+H express care model and NYC Care expansion impact
Dr. Birnbaum provides information on the effectiveness of H+H's virtual express care program and briefly addresses the impact of NYC Care expansion on emergency department visits. - The virtual express …
95 sec
Council members question H+H and FDNY officials on psychiatric programs, opioid crisis, and ambulance services
Council members Mercedes Narcisse and Joann Ariola lead a Q&A session with representatives from NYC Health + Hospitals and FDNY, focusing on psychiatric emergency programs, the opioid crisis, and ambulance …
4 min
Testimony by Oren Barzilay, President of EMS Local 2507, on Increasing Ambulance Response Times
Oren Barzilay, President of EMS Local 2507, testified about the increasing ambulance response times in New York City and the need for more resources for EMS. He highlighted the record-setting …
4 min
Specific recommendations for improving EMS resources and staffing
Council Member Ariola outlines several specific recommendations to address the EMS crisis, focusing on increasing resources, improving staffing, and addressing pay parity issues. - Calls for more EMS personnel and …
63 sec
Council Member Brewer inquires about ambulance contracts and staffing issues
Council Member Gale Brewer asks about the involvement of a company called DocGo in ambulance contracts. Oren Barzilay clarifies that the company provides EMTs and paramedics for special events, not …
70 sec
Testimony by Maisha Morales on Ambulance Response Times and Personal Loss
Maisha Morales provided emotional testimony about the loss of her father, Antonio Morales, due to delayed ambulance response and subsequent medical care. She described waiting nearly an hour for an …
6 min
Council member offers condolences to bereaved family
Council Member Joann Ariola expresses deep condolences to the family for their loss. She acknowledges that the deceased was not only a loss to the family but also to humanity …
12 sec
Family members share additional thoughts on their loss and ambulance response times
Family members of the deceased provide additional context about their family history and express concerns about the ambulance response system. They emphasize the need for changes in how emergency calls …
171 sec
Maisha Morales describes lack of information and follow-up after father's death
Maisha Morales provides a detailed account of her experience at the hospital following her father's cardiac arrest and subsequent death, highlighting the lack of information and follow-up she received. - …
59 sec
Council member inquires about reasons for long ambulance response time
Council Member Joann Ariola asks Maisha Morales if there was a reason given for the long ambulance response time, specifically if it was due to the 911 operator not designating …
20 sec
Family describes EMTs' behavior and lack of equipment during emergency response
Maisha and Santa Morales provide details about the EMTs' behavior upon arrival and their lack of necessary equipment. They describe the EMTs as appearing tired and unprepared, and mention the …
61 sec
Council members inquire about emergency room experience
Council Members Mercedes Narcisse and others ask follow-up questions about the family's experience at the emergency room and with the ambulance response time. The family provides additional details about their …
38 sec
Council members express gratitude and sympathy to the family
Council members thank the family for their testimony and express condolences for their loss. They acknowledge the importance of addressing the issue of long ambulance response times and express appreciation …
75 sec
Council member acknowledges difficulties in the grievance process
Council Member Carlina Rivera expresses empathy towards the testifier, acknowledging the challenges faced in obtaining information and navigating the grievance process after a tragic loss. She highlights the frustration of …
52 sec
Council member inquires about impact of slow ambulance response
Council Member Joann Ariola asks Maisha Morales if she believes the slow ambulance response time and lack of urgency from the medical team contributed to her father's negative outcome. Maisha …
137 sec
Testimony by Tyler Weaver, Member of the Public, on Ambulance Response Times
Tyler Weaver, a former EMT, shared a personal tragedy involving his son's death due to long ambulance response times in the Bronx. He highlighted systemic issues in EMS resource allocation …
6 min
Council member offers condolences and support to grieving parent
Council Member Joann Ariola responds to Tyler Weaver's emotional testimony about the loss of his son due to long ambulance response times. She expresses sympathy for his loss and offers …
28 sec
Council member addresses ambulance response time issues and plans for improvement
Council Member Joann Ariola discusses the issues raised about ambulance response times and expresses commitment to finding solutions. She acknowledges the need for improvement and mentions ongoing efforts to address …
127 sec
Testimony by Dr. Stu Weiss, Retired Emergency Room Doctor, on EMS Response Times and Practices
Dr. Stu Weiss, a retired emergency room doctor, provided testimony on various aspects of EMS operations and response times in New York City. He shared insights on staffing models, response …
4 min
Testimony by Christopher Leon Johnson, Member of the Public
Christopher Leon Johnson, a member of the public, testified about the need to eradicate Open Streets programs in New York City, arguing that they hinder ambulance response times and potentially …
144 sec