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Ambulance out-of-service rates and reasons



76 sec

Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about the number of ambulances out of service and the reasons behind it. Chief Evan Suchecki provides details on the out-of-service rates for FDNY ambulances.

  • The current out-of-service rate for ambulances is 22%
  • 12% of ambulances are out of service for preventative maintenance
  • The remaining 10% are out of service for mechanical issues, warranty work, or recalls
  • Suchecki clarifies that the 22% out-of-service rate for vehicles doesn't necessarily mean 22% of ambulances are not running, as they have a buffer to ensure operational needs are met
Gale Brewer
And then just finally, I know I'm sort of discussing this again, but can you just be again specific about the numbers of ambulances that are out of service and exactly not for repairs, but for those who are just out of service and how much staff you would need to make them serviceable.
Just very specific.
Evan Suchecki
So from my perspective, I would only have the out of service for repairs as far as units that wouldn't necessarily be running, that would be chief fields.
Everything I deal with is on the mechanical side, the fleet component.
Gale Brewer
And how many Doesn't And what did you say how many out of service for, you know, maybe on the average?
Evan Suchecki
So as of today's numbers, there's a 22% out of service rate, and that includes a 12% out of service for our preventative maintenance.
So those we pull out to make sure that they're ready for the road and safe to operate.
And anything above that 12% the delta between the 1222 is out of service for either a mechanical, a other type of maintenance issue, any type of warranty issues, maybe a recall, anything that is other than preventative maintenance.
Gale Brewer
So, chief, do you have now I get some numbers here.
So are there some that are out of service because not because of make candle, not because of prevention, but because it's not enough staffing?
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