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Discussion of Intro 623: Increased penalties for illegal eviction
66 sec
HPD discusses Intro 623, which proposes increasing civil penalties for illegal eviction and adding new requirements for HPD-administered tax subsidies, abatements, and exemptions. The administration expresses support for the bill's goals but raises some concerns about its implementation.
- The administration is willing to assist in developing the bill language to achieve the council's goals
- The Law Department is reviewing the proposed legislation regarding increased civil penalties and new requirements for tax subsidies
- HPD expresses concern about a blanket 5-year ban on providing city subsidies or tax benefits to properties with illegal evictions
- The department argues that such a ban could limit their ability to improve conditions for tenants in distressed properties
AnnMarie Santiago
Regarding intro 623, the administration is happy to assist council staff in further developing the bill language to achieve the council's goals.
The law department is authorized to take legal action related to illegal eviction and has used other levers as allowed by law when addressing this issue.
We are supportive of steps that the court can take to improve the just resolution of illegal eviction cases, and the law department is currently reviewing the proposed legislation regarding both the increase in civil penalties for illegal eviction and the new requirements for HPD administered tax subsidies, abatements, and exemptions to consider illegal eviction.
While we try to ensure that we are only doing business with good owners through these programs, there are circumstances in which HPD needs to take action to help tenants living in distressed housing.
A blanket 5 year ban on our ability to provide city subsidy, a tax abatement, or tax exemption to distressed properties takes away one of our tools for doing that.
Without further review and careful consideration, such a blanket approach could actually harm our ability to improve conditions for tenants.