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Testimony by Shravanthi Kanekal, Senior Resiliency Planner at New York City Environmental Justice Alliance
137 sec
Shravanthi Kanekal from the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance testified in support of Intro 994, which would establish maximum indoor temperature regulations. She emphasized the necessity of cooling strategies for the health and safety of vulnerable New Yorkers, particularly in light of the disproportionate impact of heat-related deaths on Black New Yorkers.
- Highlighted that heat causes approximately 350 excess deaths annually in NYC, with Black New Yorkers twice as likely to die from heat-related impacts compared to white New Yorkers.
- Emphasized that lack of access to home air conditioning is the most important risk factor in heat stress deaths.
- Argued that providing guaranteed cooling at home, as required by Intro 994, is the best way to prevent dire health consequences and deaths from heat.
Shravanthi Kanekal
Good afternoon, chair Sanchez and member of members of the council.
My name is Shravanti Kanekar.
I'm the senior resiliency planner at the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance.
Founded in 1991, Nija is a nonprofit citywide membership network that links 13 grassroots organizations from low income neighborhoods and communities of color across the 5 boroughs in their struggle for environmental justice.
Nijia is here today to lend support, to intro 994 that establishes a maximum indoor temperature regulation.
We want to ensure that city government needs to change its policy, management, and response to extreme heat.
It needs to expand existing strategies and invest in new ones to reduce the urban heat island effect and protect and excuse me.
Protect and prepare New York City residents from increasing from the increasing risks and dangers of heat, particularly the most vulnerable amongst us.
Cooling strategies can no longer be regarded as a privilege, but rather must be seen as a necessity for the health and safety for the most vulnerable New Yorkers.
According to the most recent report from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, heat is, as many have noted, heat is estimated to cause approximately 350 excess deaths annually with the highest burdens among black New Yorkers who are twice as likely to die of heat related or exacerbated heat impacts than white New Yorkers.
The report also states that heat exacerbated deaths were more likely to occur at home, underscoring the importance and access to cooling at home.
And the lack of air the lack of access to home air conditioning is the most important risk factor in a in a heat stress death.
And amongst those who died from heat stress, the place of death was most often an un air conditioned home.
For these reasons and many more, addressing this problem of heat head on and providing tenants with guaranteed cooling at home, which is what intro 994 would require, is the best way to prevent such dire health consequences and deaths from continuing.
We recognize that intro 994 presents
AnnMarie Santiago
Thank you.
Your time have expired.
Shravanthi Kanekal
I will submit a more, thorough written testimony.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify today.