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Chair Krishnan introduces composting bill and urges support



86 sec

Council Member Shekar Krishnan, chair of the City Council's Committee on Parks and Recreation, introduces Proposed Intro 130-A, sponsored by Council Member Gail Brewer. The bill aims to establish composting facilities in city parks to support zero waste goals and increase organic waste diversion. Krishnan expresses his support for the bill and urges his colleagues to vote in favor.

  • The bill requires phased implementation of composting facilities in parks across all boroughs from 2026 to 2028.
  • Krishnan emphasizes the importance of sustainable and environmentally resilient practices in protecting the city's green spaces.
  • The Parks Department would be required to issue annual reports on the composting process in the designated parks.
Shekar Krishnan
Thank you so much, sergeant.
Good afternoon, everyone.
My name is Shekhar Krishnan, chair of the city council's committee on parks and recreation.
Today, the committee will vote on proposed intro 130 a sponsored by my wonderful colleague, council member Gail Brewer.
This bill would bill would build on the crucial work the city is engaged in to reach its zero waste goals and increase the diversion of organic waste by requiring the Department of Parks and Recreation to establish composting facilities for plant waste collection within at least 2 parks in each borough by July 1, 2026, at least 3 parks in each borough by July 1, 2027, and at least 5 parks in each borough by July 1, 2028.
The parks department would also be required to issue an annual report that details the composting process occurring at the required parks.
We first considered this bill back on March 1st this year, and I am proud to be a cosponsor of this important piece of legislation.
And I urge all my colleagues on this committee and the whole council to vote in favor of it.
These are the kinds of measures we need to make sure that we are thinking about our planet, 1st and foremost, making sure it's sustainable and protecting our green spaces throughout our city with environmentally resilient practices.
Before we start the vote, I'd like to invite council member Brewer to offer a statement on this bill.
Thank you.
Gale A. Brewer
Well, first of all, very much thanks to chair, Shekhar Krishnan, all the cosponsors, members of the committee. pigeon logo

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