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Demographics and characteristics of subway surfers
3 min
Council Member Brooks-Powers inquires about the demographics of subway surfers. Michael Kemper from the MTA provides insights into the age range and characteristics of individuals involved in subway surfing incidents.
- The average age of apprehended subway surfers is 14 years old
- Incidents involve children as young as 9 or 11 years old
- Data collection has improved, combining MTA and NYPD information for a more comprehensive understanding of the issue
- Subway surfing incidents cross different demographics and neighborhoods throughout the city
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Does the MTA track the demographics of subway surfers?
Michael Kemper
Demographics of the subway surfers apprehended?
Is that is that the question?
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
If you have apprehensive versus, you know, just subway surfers, because I know that MTA has put out a number of over, like, 400 individuals that have been subway surfing.
But then there's a different number in terms of how many have actually, been killed from the act versus how many have been apprehended.
So just broadly speaking
Michael Kemper
So broadly speaking, broad broadly speaking, from my knowledge, and it it's it's pretty, in-depth in in relation to this subject matter, there there's not one demographic that's, leading the charge, if you will, in relation to subway surfing.
It's it's it's crossing, different demographics, different neighborhoods throughout the city.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
I really want to kinda get a sense of, like, are they predominantly young teenagers, older adults?
Michael Kemper
I I apologize.
Could you say that one more time?
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
I was trying to understand if they're predominantly young teenagers, older students, or adults.
Trying to understand, like, the age range.
Michael Kemper
So I think chief Gallater is the one who, mentioned the average age is 14 years old for, these are the subways the hundreds of subway service that have been, taken into custody, over the last, course of a a year or 2.
I think what's interesting or disturbing or should concern everyone, that's the average age, of the app apprehended.
He mentioned 9 years old.
I believe, in in recent past, there was an 11 year old that was killed, while sober surfing.
And and, you know, we we're hyper focused or or focused on the deaths caused.
We need to be very mindful of the real serious, you know, injuries, you know, life altering injuries that are occurring to some of these, kids that fall while subway surfing also.
But young, 11, 12, not shocking, is is the norm to hear, for, you know, 12 year olds, right just yesterday, you know, there was a 17 year old there were 3 individuals that the NYPD Transit Bureau did a, a nice job on apprehending subway surfing.
A 17 year old, I believe a 13 year old, or maybe a 14 year old.
And if you're asking me, that 17 year old is old when dealing with subway surfers.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Thank you for that perspective.
Do you know where they live, like, what schools they go to or other information that could help form a picture of the population?
Michael Kemper
I'm I'm I think the NYPD will be better suited to ask, where they live, but we we collect, a lot of, data.
A lot of what we do is data driven, working with, you know, our partners in the, different agencies, how the MTA, partners, with the NYPD, with DOE, with DYCD, data, the collection of data is very, very important.
I've you know, I've often said, proper deployment is critical and and and really the data we collect with, by train lines We we could speak about top train lines, top days of the week, top out peak hours of the day, high periods of the year, locations also, schools, in close proximity of the train lines.