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Resources and support for community providers addressing subway surfing



144 sec

Council Member Althea Stevens questions DYCD's Jessica Hernandez about resources and support for community providers addressing subway surfing. The discussion covers:

  • DYCD's engagement with providers to identify needs and trends related to subway surfing
  • Efforts to fill gaps in community services and leverage existing resources
  • Emphasis on provider collaboration and information sharing
  • DYCD facilitates communication between providers to enhance resource sharing and reduce competition.
  • The agency works to identify and address new needs as they arise in communities.
  • There's a focus on ongoing conversations and community engagement to refine approaches to subway surfing prevention.
Althea Stevens
So great.
Because I everyone knows I'm a big proponent of making sure that we are equipping our providers to be able to handle certain situations.
And so my question to you is how are you working with providers to give them the the things, the resources that they need in order to support these families when you're making these referrals?
Jessica Hernandez
So with Subway Surfing, any with any type of at risk, any type of of need, we engage our providers to find out what are those needs, what are all those trends, what exactly is happening so So we may able to be able to have those discussions and be able to come together and figure out if there is something that is lacking in a community for a particular reason, then we we can come together and work together of making sure that we partner with whomever we need to partner to make sure that we have those filling those gaps.
Or if we're able to leverage other resources that people may not be familiar with.
If someone's not familiar with certain, nonprofit that that is available and they're providing those services, the most important thing is to make sure that we share.
So one, I wanna say is being able to have providers speak to each other so they can share information.
They can know what's in their community.
They can leverage.
It's not about competition.
It's about making sure that we're all working together as a community.
2, being able to understand if there is a need, then how can we work together to be able to address those needs?
And the other piece of it is to continue conversation.
This situation here is actually something that is impacting many people.
And as this campaign makes people aware of what's going on, they begin to now speak up as to, like, so what is it that we need to do?
What is the next step?
And these conversations are taking place and will continue to take place as we engage all types of individuals, youth, and parents.
Althea Stevens
Thank you.
And just to follow-up, because I think that, obviously, all of those things are amazing and we should be making sure providers have the information and working together.
Music to my ears because if anyone comes to my hearing, that is what I've been preaching for for the last 3 years.
So thank you for listening.
However, are we ensuring that they have the resources and will DYCD be asking for additional funding this year to provide it with the providers because I never think that it's fair that we give providers more work, but never give them the resources to actually implement the work.
And so, if you guys are saying that you're doing these focus groups and you're doing these things, what is your plan to ensure that providers have the absolute necessary resources to provide it and not just doing it off of love and actually being able to provide the service?
Jessica Hernandez
Our providers asking for a new need this by the time of the at this time, we're gonna be working with our programs to to explore and to find out what
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
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