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Social media coordination efforts to combat subway surfing



62 sec

Council Member Rita Joseph inquires about the coordination of social media efforts between NYC Public Schools, DYCD, and other agencies to combat subway surfing. Representatives from DYCD and NYC Public Schools discuss their current strategies for promoting positive messages and activities on social media platforms to counter the glorification of subway surfing.

  • DYCD engages young people to share campaign information and programming opportunities on social media
  • NYC Public Schools includes anti-subway surfing messaging on all their platforms
  • Both agencies aim to combat negative messaging youth receive on other platforms
Rita Joseph
Thank you, Chair Brooks Parris.
A quick question for MTA working on social media
companies to scrub subway surfing
Rita Joseph
videos from their platform.
Is New York City Public Schools and platform.
Is New York City Public Schools and DYCD coordinating their efforts by using social media to promote positive message and activities that replace those videos and glorify and not glorify subway surfing?
Jessica Hernandez
So DYCD, through our social media, we are, currently we're engaging in, participating young people to message out, through our social media about our programming, our just overall activities and just opportunities available.
But we definitely continue to utilize our young people to make sure that in social media, they share the campaign and just any information that has to do with this, this issue.
Kevin Dantzler
Likewise, New York City Public Schools, all of our platforms, we do include anti subway surfing messaging to combat some of the messaging they're receiving on other platforms. pigeon logo

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