Student involvement in anti-subway surfing efforts
56 sec
Rampersant highlights ongoing and future student involvement in anti-subway surfing initiatives, emphasizing the importance of student voice and perspective.
- Students currently designing new digital and print campaign assets
- Borough Student Advisory Council in Staten Island established an anti-subway surfing committee
- Plans to work with council members to address subway surfing concerns in various boroughs
- Emphasis on tailoring strategies to unique conditions, such as Staten Island Railways
Mark Rampersant
New York City Public School students in continued partnership with the MTA are currently designing new digital imprint campaign assets to be displayed system wide.
In further recognition of our student voice and perspective, a subway surfing presentation was given to the to the borough student advisory council in Staten Island, and they have established an anti subway surfing committee to help inform the design and implementation of of strategies tailored to the unique conditions of Staten Island Rail Rail Railways.
We welcome the opportunity to work with council member Hanks to address Staten Island's subway surfing concerns as well as other council members in our efforts regarding subway regarding surfing in our in other boroughs.