Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Aging

Nov 19, 2024


01:00 PM

2 hr 38 min

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A hearing on deed theft targeting vulnerable homeowners, particularly seniors and people of color.

Discussions focused on:

  • Current agency efforts to combat deed theft
  • The inadequacy of existing protections
  • Two proposed bills:
    • Intro 888 requiring disclosure of property market value for unsolicited purchase offers
    • Intro 901 expanding homeowner counseling services.

Council members emphasized the need for a more coordinated, aggressive approach across city agencies to prevent deed theft and assist victims.

Features testimony from the Department of Finance, NYC Aging, Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Hudson introduces the joint oversight hearing on deed theft

Council Member Crystal Hudson opens the joint oversight hearing on deed theft, welcoming attendees and introducing herself as the chair of the committee on aging. She acknowledges Chair Menon and …



16 sec


Legislation to be discussed in the hearing on deed theft

Council Member Hudson introduces the two pieces of legislation that will be discussed during the hearing on deed theft. - Introduction 888: Sponsored by Hudson, requiring disclosures of market value …



29 sec


Homeownership statistics for older adults in New York City

Council Member Hudson presents statistics on homeownership among older adults in New York City, highlighting their vulnerability to deed theft. - 49% of NYC residents aged 62 and older own …



48 sec


Definition and common methods of deed theft

Council Member Hudson explains the concept of deed theft and outlines the most common methods used by scammers to steal property deeds. - Deed theft occurs when someone takes the …



22 sec


Case study: Ray Cortez's experience with deed theft

Council Member Hudson presents the case of Ray Cortez, a 90-year-old Brooklyn resident who fell victim to deed theft, illustrating the devastating impact of this crime. - Ray Cortez bought …



55 sec


Impact of deed theft on older adults and communities of color

Council Member Hudson outlines the widespread impact of deed theft, particularly on older adults and communities of color in New York City. - In the past 5 years, NYC has …



60 sec


State protections and questions about city agency responses to deed theft

Council Member Hudson discusses recent state protections against deed theft and raises questions about city agency responses to the issue. - Last year, the state enacted landmark protections for alleged …



53 sec


Explanation of proposed legislation: Introduction 888

Council Member Hudson explains her proposed legislation, Introduction 888, aimed at protecting homeowners from predatory buyers. - The bill would require purchasers to disclose in writing the estimated market value …



57 sec


Closing remarks and acknowledgments

Council Member Hudson concludes her opening remarks with acknowledgments and thanks to various parties involved in the hearing. - Thanks representatives from NYC Aging, HPD, Department of Finance, and DCWP …



23 sec


Council Member Julie Menin discusses financial empowerment and deed theft prevention

Council Member Julie Menin, chair of the Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection, discusses the importance of financial empowerment and the prevention of deed theft in New York City. She …



136 sec


Public Advocate Jumaane Williams addresses deed theft and supports protective legislation

Public Advocate Jumaane Williams provides remarks on the issue of deed theft in New York City, highlighting its disproportionate impact on Black and Brown homeowners, particularly seniors. He expresses support …



168 sec


Introduction and overview of deed fraud in New York City

Colette McCain-Jacques, the City Register for the New York City Department of Finance, introduces herself and provides an overview of the deed fraud problem in NYC. She highlights how this …



63 sec


Role and limitations of the Office of the City Register

The City Register explains the role and limitations of her office in processing property documents, including deeds. She highlights the constraints imposed by state law on the office's ability to …



85 sec


Proactive measures to prevent deed fraud

The City Register outlines several proactive steps taken by the Department of Finance to help prevent deed fraud, including staff training and involvement of the Sheriff's Office in the review …



95 sec


Automatic notifications and enforcement efforts

The City Register describes the automatic notification system for property owners and highlights the enforcement efforts led by the Sheriff's Office to combat deed fraud. - Property owners are automatically …



75 sec


Outreach and education initiatives to prevent deed fraud

The City Register details the extensive outreach and education efforts undertaken by the Department of Finance to inform and empower homeowners about deed fraud prevention. - The Department's outreach unit …



147 sec


Proposed legislation and administration's stance

The City Register discusses two proposed bills (Introductions 888 and 901) aimed at addressing deed fraud and expresses the administration's support with some proposed amendments. - Introduction 888 would require …



176 sec


Department of Finance's criteria for flagging suspicious deed transfers

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the Department of Finance's criteria for flagging suspicious deed transfers, particularly those with sale prices far below market value. Colette McCain-Jacques explains their approach …



134 sec


Use of ACRIS system to detect potential fraud based on market values

Colette McCain-Jacques explains how the Department of Finance uses the ACRIS (Automated City Register Information System) to detect potential fraud in property transfers. - ACRIS automatically pulls information about market …



95 sec


Department of Finance's proactive outreach efforts

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the Department of Finance's proactive outreach efforts to address potential deed theft or fraud cases. - The department considers proactive outreach as their most …



45 sec


Automatic notifications to homeowners when deeds are recorded

Colette McCain-Jacques explains the Department of Finance's automatic notification system for recorded documents. - A notice of recorded document is automatically sent to homeowners whenever a document is recorded on …



82 sec


NYC Aging's efforts to educate older homeowners about deed theft

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about NYC Aging's efforts to educate older homeowners about deed theft. - Council Member Hudson specifically asks what NYC Aging does to educate older homeowners …



32 sec


NYC Aging's referral structure and services for deed theft victims

Penney Vachiraprapun explains NYC Aging's referral structure and services for older adults who are victims of deed theft. - NYC Aging has a specific referral structure for deed theft cases …



77 sec


Public awareness campaigns and community presentations on deed theft

Penney Vachiraprapun outlines NYC Aging's public awareness efforts and community outreach regarding deed theft and homeowner rights. - NYC Aging has a 'Know Your Rights' pamphlet that includes information about …



66 sec


NYC Aging's approach to recognizing and reporting deed theft scams

Penney Vachiraprapun explains NYC Aging's approach to helping older New Yorkers recognize and report deed theft scams before they lead to property loss. - NYC Aging acknowledges that deed theft …



46 sec


Reaching homebound or isolated older adults to educate them on deed theft

Penney Vachiraprapun explains NYC Aging's approach to reaching and educating homebound or isolated older adults about deed theft. - Case management agencies are responsible for connecting with homebound older adults …



26 sec


Collaboration between city agencies and state offices on deed theft prevention

Penney Vachiraprapun describes the collaboration between NYC Aging and other agencies, including state offices, in preventing and addressing deed theft among older adults. - NYC Aging has robust interactions with …



67 sec


Access to pro bono or sliding scale legal services for deed theft cases

Penney Vachiraprapun explains the availability of legal services for older adults dealing with deed theft cases. - NYC Aging's legal services providers assist all older adults who seek help - …



43 sec


Ways the City Council can assist in preventing and rectifying deed theft

Representatives from NYC Aging and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection discuss ways the City Council can assist in preventing and rectifying deed theft among older New Yorkers. - …



51 sec


Impact of recent state law changes on penalties for deed fraud

Colette McCain-Jacques explains the impact of recent state law changes on penalties for deed fraud. - Recent changes have made sentences for deed fraud more severe - Deed fraud is …



61 sec


Safeguards in the property registration process

Colette McCain-Jacques outlines the safeguards in place during the property registration process to prevent deed theft and fraud. - The department flags deeds recorded for less than market value - …



85 sec


How property owners can obtain quality copies of their deeds

Colette McCain-Jacques explains how property owners can obtain quality copies of their deeds. - Property owners can visit the Department of Finance office to order a certified copy of their …



63 sec


DOF's process for notifying property owners about suspicious deed transfers

Council Member Julie Menin inquires about the Department of Finance's process for notifying property owners about suspicious deed transfers. The City Register explains that they automatically send out notices when …



33 sec


Concerns about mail-based notifications and suggestions for alternative methods

Council Member Julie Menin expresses concerns about using mail for notifications, as it can enable deed theft. She suggests phone calls as a safer alternative for suspicious cases. - Mail-based …



79 sec


Statistics on flagged documents and deed fraud rejections

The City Register provides statistics on flagged documents and deed fraud rejections in response to Council Member Menin's questions. - Approximately 47,000 documents were initially flagged - 4,700 of those …



66 sec


Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS) for checking property activity

Council Member Menin inquires about how individuals can check if their deed has been compromised, and the City Register explains the Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS). - ACRIS is …



34 sec


Importance of outreach to both seniors and their caregivers/family members

Council Member Menin emphasizes the importance of outreach to both seniors and their caregivers or family members regarding deed theft prevention. - Outreach should not be limited to seniors alone …



50 sec


Outreach efforts to community boards and council members

Council Member Menin inquires about outreach efforts to community boards and council members regarding deed theft prevention. - Question raised about presentations to all community boards in the city - …



118 sec


Collaboration between city agencies on deed theft prevention

Carlos Ortiz from DCWP discusses how city agencies are working together to address deed theft and provide comprehensive support to homeowners. - DCWP's financial empowerment centers focus on improving overall …



68 sec


HPD's Homeowner Help Desk program and its components

Jenny Weyel, the Homeowner Advocate from HPD, presents information about the Homeowner Help Desk program and its various components. - Program is a partnership with the Center For New York …



4 min


Budget allocations for homeowner assistance programs

Council Member Menin inquires about budget allocations for homeowner assistance programs, and Jenny Weyel provides details on funding for various initiatives. - Homeowner Help Desk: $9,200,000 over 3 years - …



62 sec


DCWP's role in financial empowerment and intergenerational wealth

Carlos Ortiz from DCWP discusses the department's role in financial empowerment and creating intergenerational wealth. - DCWP's Office of Financial Empowerment focuses on improving overall financial health - Emphasis on …



51 sec


Importance of disseminating information about the new homeowner advocate office

Council Member Menin emphasizes the importance of disseminating information about the new homeowner advocate office and related resources. - Many people are unaware of the new office's existence - Suggestion …



46 sec


New HPD web page with resources for homeowners

Jenny Weyel highlights a new web page created by the Office of the Homeowner Advocate on the HPD website, providing comprehensive resources for New York City homeowners. - The web …



58 sec


Implementation of cease and desist zones to combat deed theft

Council Member Ossé inquires about the implementation of cease and desist zones in areas most impacted by deed theft, particularly in his district of Bed Stuy and Crown Heights. The …



155 sec


Department of Finance's efforts to combat deed fraud through ACRIS system flags

The City Register from the Department of Finance explains their efforts to combat deed fraud using flags in the ACRIS system. These flags alert examiners to potential issues when reviewing …



85 sec


Proposal for a city-level reporting mechanism for predatory solicitations

Council Member Ossé proposes creating a city-level reporting mechanism for predatory solicitations, similar to what exists at the state level. He suggests implementing an online portal where constituents can upload …



94 sec


NYC Aging's assistance for older adults dealing with potential fraud

The General Counsel from NYC Aging explains their agency's role in assisting older adults with potential fraudulent mail or services. They emphasize the importance of making constituents aware of their …



3 min


Impact of new state law and challenges in rejecting fraudulent documents

The City Register discusses the impact of a new state law making deed theft a felony and explains the challenges faced by the City Register's office in rejecting fraudulent documents …



114 sec


Different levels of predatory behavior in property solicitations

The Assistant Commissioner of External Affairs from DCWP explains that there are different levels of predatory behavior in property solicitations, ranging from outright deed theft to less severe but still …



44 sec


Proposal for an online portal to submit and review potentially fraudulent documents

Council Member Ossé proposes creating an online portal where people can submit potentially fraudulent documents for review by the Department of Finance. This would streamline the reporting process and help …



52 sec


Request for agencies to develop a streamlined plan to address deed theft

Chair Menin requests that the four agencies present develop and submit a detailed plan within two weeks on how they could implement a streamlined approach to addressing deed theft. - …



56 sec


Council Members share personal experiences with predatory solicitations

Council Members Hudson and Ossé share personal experiences with predatory solicitations, emphasizing the impact on vulnerable populations and the urgency of addressing the issue. - Council Member Hudson recalls receiving …



162 sec


Process for reporting and investigating stolen property claims

The City Register explains the process followed when someone reports that their property has been stolen through fraudulent deed transfer. - When a property owner reports a stolen property, and …



50 sec


Council Member Brewer discusses predatory solicitations to buy houses

Council Member Gale A. Brewer shares her personal experiences with receiving predatory solicitations to buy her house. She expresses concern about the legitimacy of these offers and questions who is …



101 sec


Discussion on cease and desist zones for real estate solicitations

Jenny Weyel from HPD explains the concept of cease and desist zones, which are non-solicitation areas established by the state to protect homeowners from aggressive real estate solicitations. - Cease …



120 sec


311 response to deed theft reports

Council Member Brewer inquires about the process when someone calls 311 to report deed theft. Colette McCain-Jacques from the Department of Finance provides a brief answer. - When someone calls …



27 sec


Role of mortgage companies in deed theft cases

Council Member Brewer inquires about the role of mortgage companies in deed theft cases and whether having a mortgage affects the likelihood of being targeted. - Officials don't have immediate …



3 min


Tracking attorneys involved in deed theft cases

Council Member Brewer inquires about tracking attorneys involved in deed theft cases and how this information is used. - The Department of Finance has a system to flag individuals who …



33 sec


Sheriff's office handling of deed theft cases

Council Member Brewer inquires about the Sheriff's office capacity to handle deed theft cases, given their other responsibilities. Colette McCain-Jacques provides information on the process. - The Sheriff's office has …



60 sec


Council Member Rita Joseph questions agencies on deed theft prevention and recovery

Council Member Rita Joseph engages in a Q&A session with representatives from various city agencies, focusing on deed theft prevention efforts, language access for non-English speakers, and the process of …



3 min


Council Member Salaam shares personal observations on deed theft prevalence

Council Member Yusef Salaam, in his first term, expresses shock at the prevalence of deed theft issues in his constituency. He emphasizes the need for accessible services to help vulnerable …



121 sec


Council Member Salaam inquires about market value determination and agency collaboration

Council Member Yusef Salaam poses two questions to the agency representatives regarding methods for determining market value in unsolicited property offers and facilitating collaboration between agencies to support homeowners. - …



40 sec


DCWP Assistant Commissioner addresses market value determination for Intro 888

Carlos Ortiz, Assistant Commissioner of External Affairs at DCWP, responds to Council Member Salaam's question about determining market value for unsolicited property offers, expressing concerns about DCWP's role in making …



61 sec


HPD Homeowner Advocate discusses collaboration strategies for homeowner support

Jenny Weyel, Homeowner Advocate at HPD, addresses Council Member Salaam's question about facilitating collaboration between agencies and organizations to support homeowners. - Weyel emphasizes the need for an 'all hands …



88 sec


Council Member Salaam emphasizes inclusion and streamlining processes

Council Member Yusef Salaam responds to the agency representatives' answers, emphasizing the importance of including those affected by deed theft in decision-making and streamlining processes to better serve constituents. - …



52 sec


Department of Finance explains efforts to include market value on property forms

Colette McCain-Jacques from the Department of Finance discusses their collaboration with the State to include market value information on property transaction forms. - The Department is working with the State …



59 sec


Clarification on the status of market value inclusion on property forms

Council Member Yusef Salaam seeks clarification on the status of including market value on property forms, and Colette McCain-Jacques from the Department of Finance provides an update. - Salaam asks …



15 sec


Council member inquires about tracking repeat offenders in deed theft

Council Member Sandy Nurse asks about the Department of Finance's process for tracking repeat offenders in deed theft cases. The City Register, Colette McCain-Jacques, explains that they keep track of …



122 sec


Council member emphasizes need for better data sharing and outreach on cease and desist zones

Council Member Sandy Nurse stresses the importance of distributing deed theft data to elected officials and improving outreach for cease and desist zones. She highlights the ineffectiveness of existing measures …



53 sec


Council member suggests standardized training on deed theft for council staff

Council Member Sandy Nurse proposes implementing a standardized training program on deed theft for constituent service directors and staff across the city council. This suggestion stems from a recent partnership …



38 sec


HPD representative discusses new class on deed theft and potential for tailored training

Jenny Weyel from HPD responds positively to the suggestion of standardized training and discusses HPD's new class on deed theft. The exchange highlights potential collaboration for more tailored training programs. …



36 sec


Council member advocates for aggressive outreach and awareness campaigns on deed theft

Council Member Sandy Nurse emphasizes the critical need for more aggressive and proactive outreach and awareness campaigns to combat deed theft. She points out the current lack of visibility for …



58 sec


HPD representative details expanded Homeowner Help Desk program and its goals

Jenny Weyel from HPD provides comprehensive information about the expanded Homeowner Help Desk program, addressing the concerns raised about outreach and awareness. She outlines the program's goals, target audience, and …



133 sec


DCWP's involvement in deed theft cases

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection's (DCWP) role in addressing deed theft. Carlos Ortiz from DCWP explains that their Financial Empowerment Centers have …



30 sec


Estate planning services and Financial Empowerment Centers

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about estate planning services provided by Financial Empowerment Centers and the Homeowner Help Desk. Representatives from DCWP and HPD clarify the services offered and funding …



38 sec


DCWP's marketing efforts on deed fraud awareness

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection's (DCWP) marketing efforts to raise awareness about deed fraud risks among homeowners. Carlos Ortiz from DCWP explains …



26 sec


Homeowner Help Desk statistics and goals

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the statistics and goals of the Homeowner Help Desk program. Jenny Weyel from HPD provides details on the program's past performance and future targets. …



77 sec


Characteristics of properties affected by deed fraud

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the common conditions of properties where owners have become victims of deed fraud. Jenny Weyel from HPD provides insights based on their current understanding …



87 sec


Challenges in protecting homeowners from fraud

Council Member Crystal Hudson asks about the greatest challenges involved in protecting property owners from becoming fraud victims. Jenny Weyel from HPD explains the key issues they face in this …



51 sec


Process for challenging a forged deed

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the process for challenging a forged deed and the evidence needed to support such a challenge. Colette McCain-Jacques from the Department of Finance explains …



45 sec


Annual deed transfer statistics

Council Member Crystal Hudson asks about the annual number of deed transfers for properties with 1 to 3 units. Colette McCain-Jacques from the Department of Finance provides statistics and explains …



55 sec


Notice of Recorded Document Program participation

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the participation in the Department of Finance's Notice of Recorded Document program, which notifies homeowners by mail when a new record is filed on …



22 sec


Resource requirements for new legislation

Council Member Crystal Hudson inquires about the anticipated resource needs for implementing Intro 888 and Intro 901. Carlos Ortiz from DCWP responds to these questions. - For Intro 888: - …



76 sec


Testimony by Bruno Daniel, Director of Community Affairs from Brooklyn Borough President's Office on Deed Theft

Bruno Daniel, representing Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso, addressed the pressing issue of deed theft in Brooklyn, particularly affecting older adult homeowners in central and eastern parts of the borough. …



3 min


Testimony by Vira Lynn Jones, Property Owner in Clinton Hill

Vira Lynn Jones, a property owner in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, shares her harrowing experience with deed theft and predatory lending. She describes how her home was fraudulently sold without her …



7 min


Council Member Hudson responds to Vira Lynn Jones' testimony on deed theft

Council Member Crystal Hudson responds to Vira Lynn Jones' testimony about her experience with deed theft. Hudson expresses empathy and explains the purpose of the hearing. - Assures Ms. Jones …



22 sec


Brief follow-up exchange between Council Member Hudson and Vira Lynn Jones

Council Member Crystal Hudson and Vira Lynn Jones have a brief follow-up exchange after Jones' testimony. The interaction includes additional comments from Jones and acknowledgments from Hudson. - Jones provides …



32 sec


Testimony by Randi Scherman, Senior Staff Attorney at Brooklyn Legal Services, on Deed Theft and Homeowner Protection

Randi Scherman, a senior staff attorney at Brooklyn Legal Services, testifies about the rising problem of deed theft scams, particularly targeting vulnerable communities. She highlights the city's tax lien sale …



168 sec


Testimony by Casey Lee, Staff Attorney at Legal Aid Society, on Deed Theft and Homeowner Protection

Casey Lee, a staff attorney at Legal Aid Society, provided testimony on the complexities of deed theft and the challenges faced by vulnerable homeowners in New York City. Lee emphasized …



156 sec


Testimony by Beverly Smith, Homeowners Association President on Deed Theft and Housing Issues

Beverly Smith, a 71-year-old longtime New York City resident and Homeowners Association president, testified about her concerns regarding predatory lending, deed theft, and housing issues in her community. She emphasized …



3 min


Council Member Sanchez thanks Ms. Smith and commits to follow-up

Council Member Pierina Sanchez expresses gratitude to Ms. Smith for her testimony and commits to following up on the information provided. - Sanchez promises to bring the information back to …



12 sec


Testimony by Rachel Ciprian, Member of the Public, on Deed Theft

Rachel Ciprian, a lifelong New Yorker, passionately testifies about her 14-year struggle to reclaim her stolen deed. She expresses frustration with the current system, including ineffective legal services and a …



3 min


Testimony by Karen Greenwood, Member of the Public, on Deed Theft and Foreclosure Issues

Karen Greenwood provides passionate testimony about ongoing issues with deed theft and foreclosure in New York City, particularly affecting Black and Brown communities. She criticizes the lack of effective action …



8 min


Testimony by Roger Rowe on Foreclosure and Deed Issues

Roger Rowe shares his personal experience with foreclosure and highlights legal issues surrounding referee's deeds and property transfers. He argues that current practices in certifying and recording deeds are problematic …



4 min


Council member Hudson acknowledges frustrations and explains hearing purpose

Council Member Crystal Hudson acknowledges the frustration expressed by the testifiers regarding deed theft issues. She explains that the purpose of the hearing is to address these concerns and emphasizes …



28 sec


Testimony by Kevin Wolfe, Deputy Director for Advocacy and Public Affairs at Center For New York City Neighborhoods

Kevin Wolfe from the Center For New York City Neighborhoods testifies in support of two pieces of legislation aimed at combating deed theft, while offering recommendations for improvements. He provides …



3 min pigeon logo

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