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Impact of shelter moves on children's education and bus service
43 sec
Council Member Rita C. Joseph inquires about the time it takes for children to receive bus service after being moved to a new shelter location. Molly Schaeffer from the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations defers to the Office of Pupil Transportation for specific timing but confirms daily communication with the Department of Education on these issues.
- Joseph expresses concern about the lack of coordination between agencies
- Schaeffer acknowledges collaboration but cannot provide specific timing details
- The exchange highlights the complex interplay between shelter moves and educational continuity for asylum-seeking children
Rita C. Joseph
Thank you.
The questioning will be along the same lines.
Earlier when when a parent testified, when you move a child and their child has bus service, it takes about 2 weeks for that child to receive, and this is regular.
I just had a hearing on it.
How long does it take when you move a child for them to get bus service to their new school or to their new to travel from their new location?
Molly Schaeffer
So I have to defer to the office of pupil transportation on that?
Rita C. Joseph
So you don't you guys don't work in collaboration with them?
You move them, but yet you don't talk to So we
Molly Schaeffer
talk every day Mhmm.
Department of education, and we are working through all those issues.
But if you you're asking about the specific timing, I have to defer to the office of people transportation.