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Addressing high turnover in critical city departments
142 sec
Council Member De La Rosa inquires about strategies to address high turnover in critical departments such as probation, buildings, and fire department. DCAS officials explain their approach to supporting agencies with recruitment and retention efforts.
- DCAS works closely with city agencies, hosting monthly meetings and discussing recruitment needs.
- 80% of city positions are competitive, requiring civil service examinations.
- DCAS provides agencies with applicant data and supports recruitment efforts through their Office of Citywide Recruitment.
- The department offers guidance, tools, and training to support agencies in employee engagement and retention efforts.
Carmen De La Rosa
How is the administration addressing high turnover in departments such as the probation department buildings and the fire department where turnover has already exceeded pre pandemic averages?
And, again, just piggybacking on some of the conversation we had before with DC 37, it seems to me that these specific agencies, probation, buildings, and fire, are safety, agencies, agencies that are needed in order to comply with the safety of New Yorkers.
Katrina Porter
So Thank you for that.
So we do work very closely with city agencies.
We, you know, we host a a monthly agency personnel officer meeting, and we do meet with individual agencies to just to discuss their, recruitment, needs.
As you may know, 80% of the positions in the the city's title portfolio are competitive.
Lincoln Restler
Katrina Porter
And so, administering examinations, you know, that is that's the foundation of how we support city agencies in meeting their hiring needs.
Now we do recognize that that is a preemptive measure because it does take time for those exams to be established.
But in the event, so take let's take for instance, you mentioned the Department of Probation.
In the event that we are in the middle of, administering examination, We are able to provide the agency with applicant data so that they can use, that as a recruitment source until the exam is ready.
Our office of, citywide recruitment also works very closely with agencies to spotlight their positions and to get the word out about any, vacancies that they may have available.
Caden, would you like to add anything?
Kadian Outar
Thank you, DC Porter.
We do work with agencies, to promote and recruit for their positions, especially when it is recognized that there is an upcoming exams or if they have an immediate need.
So there is an active engagement with agencies.
On the other side of, the retention part of it is agencies, working.
We provide guidance and support for the agencies and tools in which they can engage your employees and whether it's providing additional training and having access to that information.
But that also happens on the agency level and how they utilize those tools that we're providing them.