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Diana Ayala introduces legislation on domestic violence and homelessness
138 sec
Deputy Speaker Diana Ayala opens the General Welfare Committee meeting, introducing two pieces of legislation aimed at addressing the dual crises of homelessness and domestic violence in New York City. She explains the purpose of Proposed Introductions 1070-A and 1071-A, which focus on expanding reporting requirements for domestic violence shelters and multi-agency emergency housing assistance.
- Ayala cites a recent report by New Destiny Housing highlighting the link between domestic violence and homelessness
- The proposed legislation aims to improve reporting on domestic violence shelter exits, referrals, and transfers between city-administered facilities
- Ayala acknowledges the contributions of advocates, providers, and committee staff in shaping and preparing the legislation
Diana I. Ayala
Good morning.
Good morning, everyone, and welcome to today's hearing.
My name is Diana Ayala, and I am the deputy speaker of the New York City Council and the chair of the General Welfare Committee.
Today, we are holding a vote on 2 pieces of legislation related to addressing the ongoing dual crises of homelessness and domestic violence.
A recent report released by the New Destiny Housing showed that the link between domestic violence and homelessness continues to be a rampant rampant issue in the city.
The report found that more families with children enter department of homeless service shelters due to domestic violence than due to evictions called, and called for several recommendations to address this ongoing issue.
One such recommendation was to require more nuanced and frequent reporting to better understand the ongoing crisis and the two pieces of legislation that we are voting on today and that I am proud to have sponsored AIM to speak to this recommendation.
Proposed introduction 1070 a in relax, relax in relation to expanding reporting on domestic violence shelter exits would expand the current reporting requirements on exits from domestic violence shelters to include both domestic violence emergency shelter exits as well as domestic violence tier 2 shelter exits.
Proposed introduction 1071 a, in relation to reporting on domestic violence emergency and tier 2 shelters, would amend the existing reporting requirements regarding multiagency emergency housing assistance to include reporting on referrals to HRA assistance to include reporting on referrals to HRA domestic violence shelters, disaggregated by household type, and source of referral.
This bill would also require reporting on transfers between city administration and administered facility systems and exits from HRA administered domestic violence shelters, including domestic violence emergency shelters and domestic violence tier 2 shelters.
I would also like to thank the advocates, providers, and those with lived experience who informed and helped shape this legislation.
Also, I would like to thank the committee staff who worked hard to prepare this vote.
Sahar Mozami, legislative council, Nina Rosenberg, policy analyst, Julia Haramas, unit head, Elizabeth, child Childers Garcia, finance analyst, Faria Ramon, finance analyst.
And with that, I will call on the clerk for a roll call vote.