Vote outcome on City of Yes and Port Authority Bus Terminal applications
29 sec
The Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises voted on two important applications: the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity initiative and the Port Authority Bus Terminal redesign project.
- LU 181 (City of Yes for Housing Opportunity): Approved with 4 in favor, 3 opposing, and 0 abstentions
- LUs 185-187 (Port Authority Bus Terminal application): Approved unanimously with 7 in favor, 0 opposing, and 0 abstentions
Both items were approved and referred to the full Land Use Committee for further consideration.
By a vote of 4 in the affirmative, 3 opposing, and 0 abstention, the items are approved and referred to the full land use committee regarding l u 181 related to the city of Yess, for housing opportunity.
Regarding l u 185 through 187 relating to the port authority bus terminal application by a vote of 7 in the affirmative, 0 opposition, and no abstention, the items are approved and referred to the land use also to the full land use committee.