Voting procedure and motion to disapprove City of Yes modifications
38 sec
Council Member Kevin Riley initiates the voting procedure for the City of Yes modifications and Port Authority Bus Terminal project. Council Member David Carr moves to amend the motion to disapprove the City of Yes modifications.
- Riley calls for a vote on LU 181 (City of Yes) and LUs 185-187 (Port Authority Bus Terminal)
- Carr moves to amend the motion to approve LU 181 to a motion to disapprove
- Riley acknowledges the motion and gives Carr two minutes to explain his position
Kevin Riley
I will now call for a vote to approve with modifications LUs 181 relating to the city of YES for housing opportunity text amendment and to approve LUs 185 to 187 relating to the Port Authority bus terminal application.
Council member Makar?
David M. Carr
Thank you, chair.
I'll try that one more time.
Pursuant to section 9.110, I move to amend the motion to approve LE 1812024 with modifications to a motion to disapprove.
Kevin Riley
Thank you.
So there's a motion before the subcommittee.
Council member Carr, you have 2 minutes to explain your motion.