Administrative details and procedures for the oversight hearing
98 sec
Council Member Dinowitz provides administrative details and procedures for the oversight hearing, including acknowledgments and rules for testimony.
- Acknowledges present council members and staff involved in organizing the hearing.
- Outlines procedures for testifying, including time limits and the requirement to fill out appearance cards.
- Administers the affirmation to CUNY witnesses and reminds attendees to maintain decorum.
Eric Dinowitz
I want to acknowledge my colleagues, who are present today, council member Marte from the committee of higher education and council members Mennon, Wernicoff, and Jaeger.
I'd also like to thank Adam Sarapoli, my legislative and budget director, Jenna Clouse, my chief of staff, Sahar Moazami, the committee's counsel, and Regina Paul, the committee's policy analyst.
I'd like to remind everyone who wishes to testify in person today that you must fill out an appearance card, which is located on the desk of the sergeant at arms near the entrance of this room.
Please fill it out even if you have already registered to testify in advance.
To allow as many people as possible to testify, public testimony will be limited to 2 minutes per person.
I'm also going to ask my colleagues to limit their questions and comments to 5 minutes.
Please note that witnesses who are here will testify before those on Zoom.
I'd also like to remind members in the gallery that the decorum is to be abided by by all times.
Now in according to the rules of the council, I will administer the affirmation to the witnesses from CUNY.
Please raise your right hand.
Do you affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in your testimony before this committee and to respond honestly to council members' questions?
Thank you.
As a reminder to all of our witnesses, please state your name prior to your testimony for the record.
You may begin.