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DOHMH's goal to reduce homicide deaths by 30% by 2030



85 sec

Council Member Schulman inquires about DOHMH's specific investments to address the goal of reducing homicide deaths by 30% by 2030. Dr. Morse outlines the department's initiatives in violence prevention.

  • Implementation of the Hospital Violence Intervention Program (HVIP) in partnership with DYCD
  • Use of peer counselors to support victims of firearm-related injuries transitioning out of hospitals
  • DOHMH's role in providing programmatic data, technical assistance, and training for the HVIP program
  • Focus on evidence-based approaches to reduce violence-related injuries
Lynn Schulman
I appreciate that.
I just, before I go to my next question, I wanna recognize that we've been joined by, council members De La Rosa, Menon, and Mamarado.
So, DOHMH states that its goal of healthy NYC is to reduce homicide deaths by 30% by 2030 by investing in communities much impacted by violence.
What specific type of investments will DOHMH be making to address this issue?
Michelle Morse
Thank you for that question.
The work on interrupting violence has been a big priority for the health department for many years.
We currently have a program called the Hospital Violence Intervention Program or HVIP, that we fund in partnership with DYCD.
And what we do in that program is for anyone who is a victim of firearm related injury that comes into the hospitals, that our partners in our HVIP program, they have a peer, who is there to counsel them and to support them as they transition out of the hospital.
This is an evidence based program that's been implemented in many cities around the country, and that program does continue, at the health department at this time.
We are responsible, in particular, for the programmatic data, for the technical assistance, for the trainings, and other aspects of the program, and that work, is very, very important to us in contributing towards reducing violence related injury. pigeon logo

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