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Council Member Shahana Hanif advocates for comprehensive sexuality education



123 sec

Council Member Shahana Hanif presents her support for Resolution 94, which calls for comprehensive sexuality education for K-12 students in New York State. She emphasizes the importance of age-appropriate sexual education in promoting health, preventing abuse, and creating inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ students.

  • Hanif highlights the current gaps in sexual health education in NYC public schools, including inconsistent implementation and lack of standardized curriculum.
  • She argues that state legislation is the best way to address these issues and improve outcomes for students.
  • The council member urges her colleagues to support the resolution and expresses interest in hearing from the administration and public on the matter.
Shahana K. Hanif
Thank you.
Good afternoon.
I'm council member Shahana Hanif, and I'm proud to sponsor rezo 94, which calls upon the New York State legislature to pass and the governor to sign a 4604 and the New York State Senate to introduce and pass a companion bill to require comprehensive sexuality instruction for students in grades k through 12.
This curriculum would address age appropriate physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of human sexuality and reflect the National Sexuality Education Standards.
Thank you to chairs Joseph and Lewis for including reso 94 on today's agenda and giving me an opportunity to speak.
I would also like to thank Bronx borough president Vanessa Gibson for introducing this resolution alongside me.
Implementing comp comprehensive and age appropriate sexual education from k through 12 is critical to equipping young New Yorkers with information that promotes health and well-being.
Not only does sexual education reduce unplanned pregnancies and spread of sexually transmitted infections and diseases, it also helps prevent against sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and intimate partner violence.
Inclusive education can also be key to creating welcoming environments for LGBTQ plus students.
In 2011, New York City public schools began requiring students in grades 6 to 12 to take sexual health education.
However, many schools are not meeting this requirement.
Additionally, when the requirement is met, the quality of instruction is unclear due to a lack of standardized curriculum for schools and training for teachers.
Further, there is no requirement for sexual health education for k through 5 students.
State legislation that creates a clear set of curriculum and implementation plans is the best way to address these gaps and deliver the healthiest outcomes for our students.
I urge my colleagues to support this resolution, and I look forward to hearing from the administration and the public on this issue.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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