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Sexual health education task force recommendations and progress



3 min

Despina Zaharakis discusses the sexual health education task force, its recommendations, and the progress made in implementing them.

  • Task force created by Local Law 90 in 2017 to review sexual health education implementation
  • 11 recommendations made to promote comprehensive sexual health education
  • Progress made despite challenges such as budget constraints and COVID-19 disruptions
  • Specific actions taken include developing a citywide health education scope and sequence, expanding teacher training opportunities, and updating curriculum content
Despina Zaharakis
The sexual health education task force was created by Local Law 90 in 2017 to review the implementation of sexual health education for k to 12 students in New York City public schools.
In 2018, the task force released a report with recommendations to promote comprehensive sexual health education in New York City public schools.
As a member of the task force, the Office of School Wellness Programs participated in thoughtful and thorough recommendation appreciated, sorry, the thorough, the thoughtful and thorough recommendations and began implementing them promptly.
Since then, we have faced significant challenges to this work, including budget constraints for Health Fed Works, schools moving to remote and hybrid models of instruction due to COVID 19, and city leadership changes.
Despite these challenges, we have made substantial progress implementing the task force's 11 recommendations.
For recommendations 1 through 3, prioritizing culture of sexual wellness and inclusivity in all schools.
To address these recommendations, we developed the first ever New York City health education scope and sequence for grades k through 12 we released in 2019, which lays out a set of citywide expectations that includes LGBTQ inclusive sexual health education.
We're also continuing to work on building awareness with districts, schools, and community members about the importance of sexual health education as I described above.
Recommendations 4 through 6, ensuring students are served by well equipped and supported health education instructors.
To address this, we have expanded our free training opportunities for teachers, including both live and self guided options that enable us to extend our professional learning for teachers.
We also partnered with Lehman College to provide 78 teachers with an advanced certificate in health education.
Recommendations 7 through 8, improving the content, substance, and methods of sexual health education.
To address this, the health education scope and sequin sequence includes guidance and expectations for growth and development topics in grades k through 5 and sexual health in grades 6 through 12, including the recommended number of lessons at each grade level.
We're also proud to have released the newly updated curriculum in fall 2023, Growing Up and Staying Safe New York City K through 12 HIV Education Curriculum.
We engaged a broad group of stakeholders in the development and review process, including students, teachers, content experts, and advocates.
Recommendations 9311, strengthening accountability and reporting. pigeon logo

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