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BOE's efforts to improve voter outreach and information distribution



142 sec

Michael Ryan explains the Board of Elections' recent efforts to improve voter outreach and information distribution for elections. He highlights changes in their approach to sending out annual information notices and additional outreach initiatives.

  • BOE implemented a supplemental mailing for the 2024 presidential election
  • The outreach efforts included multimedia and digital platforms, as well as social media
  • BOE works closely with the Campaign Finance Board to ensure accurate information distribution
  • Changes in the timing of annual information notices were discussed
Michael Ryan
So I would take this first, and I I I don't I don't mean to jump you.
But this past election, we did something different for the presidential election, where we they have shifted, the state, legislature has shifted the dates a couple of times in the last few years about when we have to send out the annual, information notice.
It used to be in August, which made sense, when there was a September primary and then a, and then a November general election.
They moved it to another date.
Now it's a now it's a new date in May.
But we made a determination that and we're gonna have to see moving forward whether it's something that's sustainable for each general election.
But we thought for sure, for the 2024 presidential election, we also did a supplemental mailing.
So when I told you that we did, outreach with respect to the poll workers, we kind of bifurcated that process and we halved our budget and used half for the poll worker outreach and half for, voter outreach, in the lead up to the election.
And we did, in addition to all of those efforts, which were multimedia efforts and digital platforms and social media platforms, we also did a mailer, which I hope that you, received, to all, registered voters, reminding them that the general election was coming up.
And we included, the, the fast pass tag in there and the QR code in there.
It wasn't it wasn't as comprehensive a mailer as we do, in June, but it was really just a a a a hey.
The election's coming up.
We want you to we want you to remember it and we want you to have the information.
With respect to the upcoming election in the in the, in the in the June primary we've done, especially in the in the past year since RCV, has become, into law in 2021, while the charter mandates the city, the CFP with the primary responsibility vis a vis voter education.
We work closely, with the CFB to make sure that they have the right information from us, whatever's necessary, you know, necessary for us to distribute.
And then we supplement, that as well in in our mailings both, in our outreach, voter education outreach, and in the mailing, the mandatory mailing that we have to do in May.
Lincoln Restler
Paul, anything you'd like to add?
Paul Seamus Ryan
Yeah. pigeon logo

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