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CFB's new strategic plan and North Star goals for 2030
123 sec
The New York City Campaign Finance Board introduces its new 7-year strategic plan, extending through the 2029 election. The plan aims to improve systems, programs, and processes to enhance the public matching funds program and voter education initiatives.
- Five North Star goals for 2030 are outlined, including audit completion, candidate satisfaction, voter information accessibility, city donor participation, and employee engagement
- Short-term goals are being developed to progress towards the longer-term North Star goals
- A benchmark of completing 50% of audits within one year of the 2025 election is set
Paul Seamus Ryan
This hearing provides us with the opportunity to highlight our new agency wide strategic plan and other initiatives we are developing for next year's elections and beyond.
Along with other CFP colleagues, I am joined today by Amanda Bellillo, who I am excited to share has been promoted to become the agency's 1st deputy executive director.
In this role, Amanda leads our new strategy, products, and innovation division, which includes implementing our new strategic plan and, more generally, turning vision into reality as we build the necessary tools to ensure the CFP's successful future.
Our new 7 year strategic plan will take us through 2020 the 2029 election, which we expect to be the biggest in CFP history.
Under our strategic plan timeline, we'll work hard to improve systems, programs, and processes between now and 2029 so that administration of the pug public matching funds program and voter, education initiatives go as smoothly as possible and have the greatest possible impact.
In service of our vision, mission, and core values of access, equity, and transparency, we are reaching for the following North Star goals by 2030, 90% of audits completed with 1 year within 1 year of the election for candidates who do not request and receive extensions with minimal increased risk, 2nd North Star goal is 90% of candidates express high satisfaction with CFB programs and services.
The third is 90% of voters find our information and materials relevant, helpful, and accessible.
The 4th, 10% of city eligible city donors make a contribution in an election cycle and 5th and finally, 90% of CFB employees express high engagement with employment at the CFB.
Our staff has been hard at work developing concrete shorter term goals to move us towards these longer term North Star goals.
For example, with respect to auditing, we've committed to a benchmark of completing 50% of audits within 1 year of the 2025 election, and we'll be starting postelection audits immediately after the June primary of candidates who are not in the general election.