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Discussion of Intro 1111 - Adjusting campaign contribution and expenditure limits
61 sec
Paul Seamus Ryan discusses Intro 1111, sponsored by Council Member Schulman, which proposes changes to the recalculation of campaign contribution and expenditure limits based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
- The bill addresses a situation that occurs every 20 years when council members serve 2-year terms due to redistricting
- It would require immediate adjustment of council candidate spending limits for the 2025 elections
- Contribution limits provisions would not take effect until 2026
- The CFB does not have a formal position on the bill but expresses willingness to work with the council to ensure correct understanding and implementation
Paul Seamus Ryan
Now turning to the bills before the committee today, the first bill I will discuss is intro 1111 sponsored by council member Schulman.
This bill proposes recalculating campaign contribution and expenditure limits based on changes in the consumer price index after every general election rather than every 4 years as required by the current law.
This bill would address a situation that arises once every 20 years when council members serve 2 year terms due to redistricting.
Under current law, contribution and expenditure limits were adjusted in early 2020 2 and will not be adjusted again until early 2026, requiring council candidates to run under the same limits in 2023 and again in 2025.
This bill would require immediate adjustment of council candidate spending limits for the 2025 elections, but the contribution limits provisions would not take effect until 2026.
We do not have a formal position on this bill.
We would like to work with the council to ensure we correctly understand the provisions related to CPI adjustments so we are best able to implement this legislation if enacted.