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Reasons for implementing new CFB rules and policies
91 sec
Paul Seamus Ryan explains the reasons behind the CFB's decision to implement new rules and policies, focusing on improving the efficiency of audits and oversight of campaigns.
- The changes aim to address issues with lengthy audits, which have been partly due to excessive generosity in granting extensions to campaigns
- The new policies are intended to speed up the audit process and improve campaign responsiveness
- Ryan emphasizes that these changes are part of a broader effort to enhance the CFB's ability to oversee campaigns effectively
Lincoln Restler
Positive developments, both.
Could you just briefly explain why the CFP decided to implement these new rules and policies?
Paul Seamus Ryan
It's that decision on that policy has really been made in the broader context of, contemplating generally our interpretation and enforcement of our power to get responses from campaigns when we asked them for documents and materials.
Decision was not driven by any particular campaign, but more so, one thing that has been a pain point for this agency, as you know, as I testified before you in the spring, I got a lot of questions from you about audits, length of our audits.
What we've come to realize is that one of the major reasons our audits have taken so long in recent years is because we've been exceeding exceedingly generous for campaigns that have asked us for extensions.
We have a policy change there that, I can speak to in a moment, but it's policy change there that, I can speak to in a moment, but it's not directly responsive to your question.
But another issue is that we ask campaigns for material that we need, information and documents we need to conduct audits, to complete our assessment of those campaigns.
And if we don't get complete our assessment of those campaigns.
And if we don't get them, it's lengthens the audit process itself, generally, because we ask again.
We have to badge our candidates sometimes to get the materials.
We have power under current law to take a to simply deny matching funds for documents when we don't documents and information when campaigns are nonresponsive.
It's just one tool among several that we've we're beginning to utilize to speed up our audits and oversight of campaigns.