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Testimony by Elizabeth Denys, Flatbush Resident
121 sec
Elizabeth Denys, a Flatbush resident, testified in opposition to Intro 606 and any legislation that would restrict or ban e-bikes in New York City. She emphasized the importance of e-bikes for her personal mobility and access to medical care, and argued that the proposed legislation would be ineffective in improving street safety.
- Denys stressed that e-bikes are essential for her to navigate areas with sparse public transportation and to attend medical appointments.
- She criticized Intro 606 for potentially diverting resources from proven safety measures like protected bike lanes and daylighting intersections.
- Denys urged the council to focus on implementing the streets plan and passing Intro 1131 and Intro 1138 to improve street safety for all users.
Elizabeth Denys
My name is Elizabeth Dennys.
I'm a Flatbush resident, and I'm here to speak in opposition to intro 606 and any other legislation that would license, restrict, ban, or outlaw ebikes in New York City.
Ebikes have been essential for assure ensuring I can bike around safely around the city, including between a lot of locations in Brooklyn and Queens where public transportation is sparse.
An ebike is a more climate friendly option than taking out a car and is critical for me to access essential medical appointments reliably.
Intra 606 does nothing to directly reduce any of the dangers on our streets.
Heavier, faster, dangerous mopeds are already licensed or illegal vehicles.
Similar laws haven't improved street safety, but they have diverted resources from building proven technologies like protected bike lanes and daylighting intersections and from enforcement that could make our streets safer.
These misguided laws have issues with uneven xenophobic and racist enforcement and result in significant bicycle ridership drops.
Every city with a similar law has since repealed it.
This bill would make it very difficult and costly for me to access my essential medical care.
But above all else, it feels ridiculous to me that council is hearing this bill, which would require our city to build ineffective and expensive new agencies and programs when the Department of Transportation is so woefully behind on implementing the proven safety solutions mandated in the streets plan.
We need to focus instead on making sure lifesaving protected bike lanes connect every neighborhood throughout the city.
DOT's own data has shown life saving protective bike lanes make our streets safer for all road users, whether they're walking, bicycling, and either a traditional bike or an ebike, taking the bus, or driving, and they dramatically reduce riding on sidewalks.
Rather than licensing e bikes, the city needs to catch up on the street's plan requirements for protected bike lanes, past intro 1131 to make sure these bike lanes meet the current and future bicycling needs in our city, and here in past intro 1138, so every day intersection has lifesaving daylighting.
We can't afford to go backwards.
Ebikes are here and provide riders like me, who can't always ride a traditional bike, safe, climate friendly ways to get around.
Let's build for a future where New Yorkers have more sustainable transportation options instead of a future where they're more expensive and dangerous.