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Testimony by Karen Chagru, District 7 Voter
133 sec
Karen Chagru, a long-time New York resident and District 7 voter, testifies about the dangers of unregulated e-bikes and other motorized devices in the city. She shares her personal experience of being injured by an e-vehicle rider and criticizes the lack of enforcement and accountability.
- Describes the current situation as a "Mad Max world" where powerful machines dominate the streets
- Argues that the city's failure to enforce existing laws has led to a crisis of safety for pedestrians
- Supports licensing for e-bike riders as a potential solution to curb illegal behaviors
Karen Chagru
Good afternoon.
I'm Karen Chagru, a New Yorker of 30 years and a District 7 voter.
The onslaught of unregulated, unregistered, often illegal and unaccountable e bikes and other devices has turned our city into a Mad Max world where the people with the most powerful machines are the alphas, the rest of us are the losers.
Every day on our streets and sidewalks, it's a test of nerves, a game of chicken.
Personally, I was mowed down while crossing Broadway by an EVHICLE, not a delivery person, who felt that he had the right to run a red light.
I broke my wrist, fractured my pelvis, and my assailant fled.
I recovered, but frankly, I'm tired of bending the knee, altering my life to accommodate the moneyed interest of corporations who exploit their bike riding workers and encourage a culture of lawlessness that has been allowed to grow unchecked because city officials have taken so long to understand we have a crisis.
None of us would be here today asking for licensing if DOT and the NYPD and DMV were actually doing any enforcement.
Were actually collecting any real data.
We would not be here asking for licensing if e bike riders stopped at red lights, if delivery drivers didn't ride on sidewalks or go down one way streets the wrong way.
If anyone in opposition to this bill actually had a solution to curb these illegal behaviors, that would be one thing.
But I've been here all day standing in the back because I can't sit down for a very long time.
I've been here listening all day, and I've yet to hear a solution from the other side, except more of the same, which is build more bike lanes so they can be filled with more bikes doing illegal things.
I'm a cyclist.
To my fellow cyclists, you're lying to yourselves if you think e bikers will obey rules if you're given bigger lanes where fast and slow should be separated when they don't do it now.
Thank you so much for your supporting