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Criteria and processes for terminating city contracts with problematic providers



108 sec

Council Member Julie Won inquires about the criteria and processes for terminating city contracts with problematic providers. Commissioner Molly Wasow Park explains DSS's approach to handling issues with contracted organizations.

  • Park emphasizes that cases are evaluated on a situational basis
  • DSS has a range of tools to address issues, including:
    • Terminating contracts in extreme cases
    • Driving organizational change, as in the Bronx Parent case
    • Implementing corrective action plans
    • Using enhanced review processes for invoice reviews
    • Working with DOI to place monitors in some instances
  • The commissioner stresses the importance of balancing accountability with recognizing the value of community-based organizations
  • DSS aims to help providers succeed both in financial accountability and quality of services, using contract termination as a last resort
Julie Won
Thank you.
Can you just expand on what you have to do that is under egregious for them to be terminated from a city contract?
Because some of the things that we've seen in the news are pretty egregious, but they continue to do work with the city.
So what are those requirements to be terminated from a city contract?
Molly Wasow Park
Well, I mean, we we absolutely look at some at cases on a situational basis.
But our our toolbox is robust.
Ending a city contract is one of them, but I talked about with Bronx Parent.
The organization still exists, but the leadership, both board and executive, are completely different because, we've been able to we were the ones driving that organizational change.
There's also we use, corrective action plans, which are very structured initiatives to to drive change within an organization.
What that looks like will depend on whatever the circumstances are.
We use the enhanced review process where we're changing the way we're doing invoice review.
We have at least one instance that I can think of where we are working with the DOI where there is a monitor in place.
But, you know, one of the things that we recognize is that, you know, CBOs in many cases have very deep histories within their communities.
They, you know, come from a place with community connection, with history, with with skill sets.
We don't wanna write that off too easily.
We we want to get our goal is to get to people to succeed, both with respect to financial accountability and quality of services.
So while, yes, we will end, end relationship with a provider where it is the appropriate appropriate thing to do, we try to course correct wherever possible. pigeon logo

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