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Inter-agency communication mechanisms



59 sec

Council Member Julie Won inquires about mechanisms for inter-agency communication, particularly among Agency Chief Contracting Officers (ACCOs). Charles Diamond from MOCS explains the various communication channels in place.

  • Diamond describes a monthly procurement leaders meeting attended by ACCOs, MWBE officers, and sometimes commissioners
  • He mentions frequent working group meetings, especially for ACCOs in human services and construction spaces
  • Diamond emphasizes the importance of regular communication with ACCOs to improve procedures and policies based on their on-the-ground experiences
Julie Won
Where does the is there a, mechanism when in which all of the agencies, ACCOs, talk to each other?
Charles Diamond
There's a procurement leaders there's a procurement leaders meeting once a month, where mocks and all of the more than just DACOS.
A lot of DACOs, a lot of, MWBE officers, chief diversity officers, indeed, sometimes commissioners will join our, procurement leaders, which is every single month.
Of course, you know, when you take someone like, Vincent Pulao, the d s, DSS ACCO who has such an important portfolio.
We're usually speaking with him and other ACCOs in some sort of working group once a week on something.
So there's a once monthly every month for many, many, many, many years that all ACCOs go to.
But also I think especially when you consider things like like the BCC and these working groups and these procedures, we're holding a lot of informal gatherings of ACCOs in the in the human services space.
ACCOs in the construction space.
And, really because they're gonna see the they they they have the boots on the ground and they see the issues in real time.
So So we can't improve the procedures and the policies if we're not working hand in hand with our echo shops.
Julie Won
And last question, I promise. pigeon logo

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