Council Member Salamanca introduces vote on Kingsbridge Armory redevelopment funding application
3 min
Council Member Rafael Salamanca Jr. opens the Committee on Land Use meeting and introduces a vote on a pre-considered application for a favorable resolution supporting the EDC's application for Restore New York grant funding for the Kingsbridge Armory redevelopment. He clarifies the purpose of the vote and reads a statement from Council Member Sanchez, who supports the application.
- The vote is specifically for application number G240065GAX.
- The funding is through the state's Restore New York Communities initiative.
- Council Member Sanchez's statement outlines a 9-month community engagement process and a community vision plan for the armory's redevelopment.
Rafael Salamanca, Jr.
Good afternoon, and welcome to the committee on land use.
I am council member Rafael Salamanca, chair of this committee.
I would like to welcome my esteemed colleagues who have joined us today.
We've been joined by council member Memorial Rivera, chair Riley, majority, Brooke Powers, Abreo, majority leader, Farias, council member Hudson, and, minority leader, Bareilly.
As always, I would like to thank chair Riley and chair Hanks for their work in meeting our 2 subcommittees.
Today, we are voting on one item referred by our referred by our zoning subcommittee.
We will not we will vote to approve the pre considered application number g240065 g a x, which is a request by the New York City Economic Development Corporation or EDC for a favorable resolution in support of an application for funding through the state's restore New York Communities initiative in connection with the future redevelopment of the Kingsbridge armory site and council member Sanchez's district in the Bronx.
Restore New York, as it is commonly known, is a New York state grant program that enables municipalities to seek financial assistance for revitalization projects involving commercial and residential properties.
As chair Riley noted at last week's zoning subcommittee, I wanna make it clear that today's vote is one step in our process towards realizing the great opportunity held by the armory site.
We are not making decisions today about what the redevelopment will specifically look like, but are focused solely on ways to secure any available assistance from the state as this project continues forward.
Council member Sanchez understands this as in and is in support of the application before us.
Council member Sanchez is unable to join us today has asked me to read the statement below on her behalf.
The Kingsbridge Armory represents the vast potential of our community.
With EDC and a community working group, we led a 9 month community engagement process that reached more than 4,000 people and culminated in a community vision plan.
The project is still in the midst of selecting a developer, but today's resolution is about setting up any future efforts for financial success.
I wanna be clear, Today's vote is not a determination on any land use actions for the army's future redevelopment.
It is simply a vote on a resolution that would allow EDC to pursue a $2,000,000 grant from the New York state.
I support this effort to make any future project financially sound.
While we do not yet know what the project will be, we do know that past projects failed because they did not have adequate financing.
I remain committed to doing everything possible to promote an armory redevelopment that comports with the community vision plan.
1, prioritize youth.
2, welcome older adults.
3, foster intergenerational relationships.
4, create jobs and wealth for existing workers and communities.
5, grow a reg grow a local economy.
6, put the Bronx on the map.
And 7, maximize community ownership.
Now I would like to acknowledge any of my colleagues who have any questions or comments.