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DVS efforts to ensure inclusivity in arts programs for veterans with disabilities
133 sec
Council Member Holden inquires about DVS's methods for ensuring arts and cultural programs are inclusive and accessible for veterans with disabilities. Commissioner Hendon explains DVS's role in assisting and informing veterans, working with other city offices on discrimination and accessibility issues, and marketing to all veterans regardless of their background. Curtis Dorval adds that DVS promotes programs specifically designed for veterans with disabilities through various communication channels.
- DVS collaborates with the Commission on Human Rights and Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities
- Focus on marketing opportunities to all veterans, regardless of race, gender, disability status, or income
- Recent promotion of a PTSD-focused arts program for veterans
Robert Holden
You know, and this is the 3rd in what ways does DVS ensure that arts and cultural programs are inclusive, accessible, and accommodating for veterans with disabilities, including mental and emotional health issues.
I want
James Hendon
to say a little bit and then throw to Ellen and to to Curtis.
You know, for us, what's what's it has to be said that, beyond chapter 75 of the New York City charter, you know, certain pieces are out of our wheelhouse.
So for us, it's to assist and inform veteran and military families on areas of health care, housing, benefits, culture, education, employment.
So with the assist and inform hat on, there's certain pieces that we can't touch when it comes to, you know, ensuring certain things when it comes to access accessibility and and just, inclusivity.
So we work closely with the Commission on Human Rights, with CCHR, on issues that involve someone being discriminated against through uniform status.
And And we work closely with our friends at the mayor's office for people with disabilities as far as accessibility issues.
So we kinda work lockstep with them.
And then another thing, you know, from day 1 on this job, I've said that this is about moving the bell curve of New York City's veteran community to the right, the entire bell curve.
And so with that in mind, we work to to to market to everyone on things.
And so we like to think our contribution to this is often getting the word out to all regardless of race, gender, disability status, income, etcetera, to get more of our veterans and their families to be a part of this.
So I I defer it.
Robert Holden
Thank thank you.
Do do you wanna expand on that?
Curtis Dorval
I don't have too much to add here besides, you know, when when the opportunities are presented to us, for in in this space specifically, programs that are specific to veterans with disabilities, and all inclusivity in that regard, we typically try to promote that, again, through newsletter, through our social media.
I think recently we just had one, that was with it was in regards to PTSD, trying to get veterans to, resolve those PTSD stressors, through the arts.
I can't remember the specific program on, right here, but I I do recall us having one recently, and us promoting it.