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Kalman Yeger explains his vote on multiple bills



141 sec

Council Member Kalman Yeger explains his votes on several bills, focusing on Intro 532-A which addresses safety in non-public schools. He votes in favor of most bills, with exceptions for Intros 1090 and 1098 related to Business Improvement Districts, and expresses mixed feelings about Intro 1111-A on campaign finance.

  • Yeger highlights the importance of Intro 532-A in providing security for non-public schools and creating good union jobs.
  • He opposes Intros 1090 and 1098, stating that "bids are taxes."
  • While voting in favor of Intro 1111-A on campaign finance, Yeger acknowledges concerns about increased public spending on campaigns.
Kalman Yeger
Thank you.
You won't have to do that much longer.
I appreciate it.
Thought I'd maybe get up and make a motion, but you're probably not, won't be that as entertaining to you as it is to me.
I just wanna rise briefly on, intro 532 and, just speak about the genesis of it and the history, And, my gratitude to councilman Brannon for, pushing this to the end and to the speaker for making sure that this got passed today.
This, was an effort that began over a decade ago when my very wise predecessor, councilman David Greenfield, saw the need for that was being unaddressed, which was that, not every child in New York City was safe in their school and had that safety.
The public schools have the school safety officers, but non public schools had nothing.
And every parent deserves to know that when their child goes to school, they're gonna be safe.
And every child deserves to have that peace of mind of walking into a building with a uniformed person in front who's there to keep them safe.
This this program is an incredible, job producer as well.
It requires that the wages be prevailing, which means they're good union jobs.
This this was an effort that was done over the last couple of years to raise the level of conversation about this because we've seen what's happened in other parts of this country, and thank God thank God not in New York.
But having somebody stand in front of a school to protect those children is the most important, I think, thing that we can do, and I'm very grateful, to the members of this body who are supporting this bill today.
I vote I on that.
I vote I on all, with the exception of intro 1090 and intro 1098.
I'm sure you don't want my speech about bids, but bids are taxes.
There you go.
And, on intro, campaign finance, it's all in show 1111.
I'm gonna vote in favor of it, but I just I I understand why my colleagues who are voting no are are doing so.
And it's because a number of years ago, this council increased, not in this session, increased the, amount of public funds that would be spent on campaigns by hiking the expenditure limit that's necessarily tied to that amount, and therefore, it's gonna cost taxpayers more.
I will vote in favor of it simply because the expenditure limits do need to be raised every 2 years.
And I thank you very much, madam president. pigeon logo

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