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Council Member Krishnan introduces street co-naming legislation and highlights specific proposals
158 sec
Council Member Shekar Krishnan, chair of the Committee on Parks and Recreation, introduces a pre-considered bill to ceremonially co-name 109 thoroughfares and public places in New York City. He explains the importance of co-naming in honoring individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the city, and highlights two specific co-naming proposals he sponsored.
- Krishnan emphasizes that co-naming permanently changes the landscape of New York City to recognize individuals' contributions.
- He provides details about two of his sponsored co-namings: Patty Ghiwei Way and Cathedral Prep Way.
- The council member concludes by urging his colleagues to vote in favor of the legislation and announces the presence of other council members and witnesses.
Shekar Krishnan
Good morning.
Thank you so much, sergeant.
I am Shekhar Krishnan, chair of the Committee on Parks and Recreation.
Today, the committee will vote on a pre considered bill that would ceremonially co name 109 thoroughfares in public places throughout the city.
Co naming bills are the result of the council's periodic process where we seek to honor individuals and organizations that have made lasting contributions to our city.
I always say it's far more than just the street naming, but we are permanently changing the landscape of New York City to recognize individuals for their contributions to their community and to our city or to communities that have made historic contributions to our city.
Some of these individuals, include conames for active community members, heroic New Yorkers who sacrificed their lives for others, people who committed their lives to public service, or those who greatly enriched the city's cultural landscape.
It is only fitting that their names and their legacies permanently become a part of the history and the geography of New York City.
Of the many honorees proposed by this piece of legislation, I'd like to call attention to a couple of co namings that I am proud to have sponsored.
My first nomination is to co name an area in my district as Patty Ghiwei after Patrick Patty Gilmartin.
Patty started a career in the bar business in the early 19 seventies, attended Bishop Du Bois, an all boys Catholic high school in Harlem, before deciding to put college on hold to serve in the Vietnam War, where he was wounded and received a Purple Heart.
He established Patty G's and created a welcoming and inclusive environment that became a community hub for 46 years.
I was proud to go there, and meet with him too.
His dedication extended beyond his business with providing free home cooked meals during the holidays for those in need.
After his death, he was honored with he was honored with the United States Army Honor Guard Funeral, and his bar continues to operate under the care of his children, ensuring the legacy of this neighborhood institution.
My other nomination is for Cathedral Prep Way, which will commemorate Cathedral Preparatory School and Seminary, which has served as a Catholic high school and seminary for over 70 years of service to our district and city.
I'd like to welcome all who have come to participate in today's hearing, and I urge all of my colleagues to vote in favor of this legislation before us.
I just wanna announce the council members we have so far.
We are joined by council member Holden, council member Narcisse, council member Lee, and on Zoom, virtually, we have council members Menon and Ng.
While we wait just a bit longer for quorum to take the actual vote, we do have witnesses who are here today, to testify about the special namings that we have with today's legislation.