Lyndie Callan
When I undertook this project, I was thinking small.
But once I got going searching the farmer's market in the neighborhood for people to sign a petition, folks who knew and respected my mother came out of the woodwork.
I got a letter of support from George Gresham, president of 1199 SEIU Health and Hospital Workers, a union of 450,000 strong.
Monty had worked to get George elected many years ago.
They knew one another, Natch.
I did not seek a letter from Jerry Nadler, but he knew Mani, as did Gail Brewer, Ruth Messenger, and the former executive director of Goddard Riverside Community Center, Stephane Russo.
Mani was part of the fabric of the old guard that made the Upper West Side great.
Often after a long day's work, she would head out to a meeting on tenants' rights or to strategize with others dedicated to ending the war in Vietnam.
This was all in addition to her paid job as a social worker, which she took seriously.
She seemed to have boundless energy rallying, marching, striking alongside local politicians and neighbors to make the Upper West Side, the United States, the world, a better place.
At an advanced age, she accompanied retirees from her union to Washington to meet with First Lady Michelle Obama to discuss health care and challenges facing seniors.
In her nineties, when Mani had dementia excuse me, and I told her I was writing postcards to encourage people to vote, she said, I want to help.
It took me many years to understand how important she was, and how many people genuinely loved and respected her and the work she did.
Co naming a street in her honor will give credence to the expression, because of them, we can.