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Testimony by Alexander Simon Fox on 441/467 Prospect Avenue (Arrow Linen) Rezoning
53 sec
Alexander Simon Fox, a resident living near the proposed development site, testifies in support of increasing affordable housing options in Windsor Terrace. He emphasizes the need for housing accessible to New Yorkers of all income levels and urges developers to go beyond the minimum requirements for Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH).
- Fox encourages maximizing both the quantity of affordable units and the depth of their affordability.
- He notes that Windsor Terrace already has many high-cost housing options but lacks affordable alternatives.
- The speaker believes this development has the potential to either mitigate or exacerbate the area's current affordable housing issues.
Alexander Simon Fox
Thanks so much for this opportunity to testify.
I'm here today as a neighbor of the proposed site living about 10 blocks away.
I strongly believe in increasing affordable housings and affordable housing options in the city, especially in Windsor Terrace, which is a neighborhood with resources, amenity, and good transit.
Any housing built in the area should provide opportunities for New Yorkers of all income levels to enjoy our neighborhood as our neighborhood already has a wide variety of high cost housing options available, but we lack options that are accessible for most New Yorkers.
This development has the potential to mitigate or exacerbate our area's current affordable housing issue.
Minimum requirements for MIH, which is what the developers discussed, are not sufficient for meaningfully addressing our neighborhood's housing issue and preserving income diversity in our area, and I encourage all parties to strive for more and better.
I hope that the developers can commit to an option that maximizes the quantity of affordable units and the depth of their affordability.
Thanks so much.