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Testimony by Jay Goldberg on Arrow Linen Site Rezoning



122 sec

Jay Goldberg, a local resident, strongly opposes the proposed 15-story luxury high-rise development at the Arrow Linen site in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn. He argues that the rezoning will decrease affordability in the neighborhood and potentially displace current residents.

  • Goldberg supports building 7-9 story contextual housing with at least 40% MIH (Mandatory Inclusionary Housing) units.
  • He criticizes the Maglioco family for spending $350,000 on lobbying for the project.
  • Goldberg urges Council Member Hanif to limit the rezoning to 7-9 stories to reduce displacement pressure and increase affordable housing units.
Jay Goldberg
Hi, everyone.
Thank you for having me here.
I'm Jay Goldberg, and I've lived around the block from Arrow Linen for 18 years.
I'm active in housing, not high rises, and I strongly support building contextual housing to the Arrow Linen site.
7 to 9 stories at 40% or more, MIH.
If you view this spot rezoning as a part of the solution to New York City's housing affordability crisis, you are working at cross purposes to your own goals.
You say you want an increase in affordability, but what we're talking about here today, approving 15 stories of luxury high rises on one of the most affordable blocks in the neighborhood, is it designed to reduce affordability and enrich the Magliocos who've spent over $350,000 lobbying you and your colleagues in city government.
Looking at this application, even the units required as mandatory inclusionary housing would be more expensive than the rents people are paying today on Prospect Avenue.
Should you approve it, every future project that directly results from your decision will be another blow to affordability in the neighborhood.
We're aware that other council members will look to the local council member's recommendation for their district.
Council member Hanif, I implore you not to let your political legacy be that you got the ball rolling to replace modest apartments at affordable rents in Windsor Terrace with luxury high rises.
Have you talked to my neighbors on who rent on Prospect Avenue?
I have, and they're scared that this rezoning is going to displace them as has already happened to them in Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Crown Heights.
Please limit the zone the rezoning to 7 to 9 stories and require at least 40% at my age.
This will yield up to double the rent stabilized units in the Magliocos application, reduce the profit motive to buy every other modest apartment building in the neighborhood, and reduce the displacement pressure on tenants.
The only difference will be the amount of profit the Magliocos make.
Your decision here will send a crystal clear message about whose side you're on.
Council member Hanif, the people in your district, the thousands of us represented in Housing Not High Rises, Voice of Gowanus, and the Park Slope Civic Council are active and engaged, and we hope that you do right by us so that we can continue to support you.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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