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Current average physician compensation and faculty practice income at H+H
158 sec
Dr. Katz provides details on the current average compensation for physicians at H+H, including additional income from faculty practice.
- The current average compensation for an H+H physician is $269,000
- Approximately 80% of physicians also benefit from faculty practice income, ranging from an additional $20,000 to $80,000 depending on the hospital
- Acknowledges that H+H, as a safety net system, has never been the highest-paying hospital system
- Mentions that physician salaries across the city have grown, particularly after COVID-19
Mitch Katz
I know that besides the better mental health services and better professional opportunities, I know our physicians are seeking better compensation.
I'm certain that there is not a single physician nor a single person at health and hospitals who came to us because we were the highest paying hospital.
We are a safety net system.
We have never been the highest paying hospital.
With the with the support of the mayor and the city council, and I wanna give a special shout out, to our nurse, chair, chairwoman Narcisse, we were able to get equity for our nurses, but it was equity to the safety net.
It was not the market that's available for nurses.
It was a huge step, and I was told today that since then and you'll be particularly happy, chairwoman I asked just today, we have hired 3,659 nurses since that time, and we are almost at the end of any registry staff.
Today, Metropolitan Hospital, we met with them, is using 0, registry staff.
But that was to get to safety net, which is where most people, within health and hospitals, where their benefits are.
We have, over the last 5 years invested through the affiliates in our physician compensation.
The current average compensation of a physician at health and hospitals is $269,000, recognizing that there's a broad range, with the the top end very specialized surgeons.
That the 269 does not include most of our physicians, although, not all, but I'd say 80%, benefit from faculty practice income, which is an additional 20 to $80,000 depending upon the hospital.
But there is no question that, salaries have grown, for physicians across the city.
Many physicians after COVID left practice or, you know, felt that, they were going to at least, cut down on their number of hours because of the traumas that people had during COVID.