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Level of agency representation and outcomes of inter-agency task force meetings



144 sec

Council Member Aviles inquires about the seniority of agency representatives attending the task force meetings and the outcomes of these meetings. MOIA representatives provide information on attendee levels and specific recommendations implemented.

  • Task force meetings include a mix of senior, mid-level, and lower-level agency representatives
  • MOIA aims to involve as many city employees as possible in these coordination efforts
  • Recommendations from the task force have focused on improving communication and collaboration between agencies
  • Specific outcomes include:
  • Collaboration with DOHMH and DSS on public charge resources
  • Development of community-facing resources on knowing your rights with ICE
  • Creation of materials on NYC sanctuary laws and what to do if someone is detained
Alexa Aviles
Are the representations from the city agencies, decision making senior level members?
Can you repeat that?
Are the the member the required agencies that are participate participating in the task force, are they senior level decision makers of the agencies?
Lorena Lucero
I don't have their titles at the ready, but I don't know, Rebecca, if you have.
But I'll add, and as as you answer, Rebecca, that, we also did a targeted effort to bring in folks who focus on immigrant issues.
We thought that was important too.
But, Rebecca, if you wanna chime in in regards to decision makers who also joined the call the the meetings.
Rebecca Engel
And, thank you, chair.
And again, it's a mix.
We have a lot of attendees at this task force, and I would say it is a mix of both senior level, mid level mid level, and lower level, because we try to want to try to bring in as many, city employees as possible to to together to coordinate, to try to think about a response to, you know, the upcoming administration in particular.
That's the number one issue we've been dealing with.
Alexa Aviles
And in terms of what what recommendations have come out of this task force and have any been implemented?
Rebecca Engel
So the recommendations have been, you know, I'd have to I'd have to actually go back and look at our our, synopsis of each of each task force to know.
But, but I know that the recommendations have generally been to communicate, more effectively and to actually try to collaborate on projects more efficiently.
Alexa Aviles
I guess I'd like to hear more specifically because that is incredibly broad.
Enrique Chavira Cantu
So closer to, when we started meeting more regularly, one of the bigger issues was responding to the results of the federal election.
We did discuss different things we were hearing and concerns that each agency had that informed other work that we were doing with city hall.
Out of that, we have since collaborated with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Department of Health, and Department of Social Services to put out a resource on public charge.
And we've also consulted them for additional resources of front facing community resources on knowing your rights with ICE, what to do if somebody is detained, and the New York and New York City sanctuary laws.
Alexa Aviles
Thank you.
Specifics Thank you very much, madam chair. pigeon logo

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