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MOIA's advisory role on sanctuary and detainer laws



135 sec

Council Member Aviles inquires about MOIA's role in advising on the city's sanctuary and detainer laws. Commissioner Castro explains MOIA's important advisory role to deputy mayors and the mayor on sanctuary laws and other immigrant community issues.

  • MOIA provides extensive information and advice on sanctuary laws
  • Castro highlights his role in providing immigrant perspective to leadership
  • MOIA has circulated written guidance on sanctuary policies to city agencies
  • The office has mandated training for city staff on these policies
Alexa Aviles
So does Moya have a dedicated staff who advise on the city's sanctuary and detainer laws?
Manuel Castro
To advise the administration or the general public?
Alexa Aviles
Maybe I should go back to if you wanna talk about Moya's role in advising the mayor and city agencies, which you mentioned briefly, if there's anything beyond that.
Manuel Castro
I, I and and and Moya's staff play, an important advisory role to our deputy mayors, and and the mayor.
In in recent months, I have provided extensive, information and advice on our not just our sanctuary laws but, other important subjects, significant to, the immigrant community.
I am, very, proud to say that, our our office does play an important role.
I'm here with Lorena Lucero, our chief policy advisor who who, takes a lead on policy matters.
But I do want to say that, I am thankful for the mayor and the deputy mayors to take, many of my advice, to listen to my experience as an immigrant, as an advocate, and and for them to, take up, some of the proposals that I have put forward, including, circulating, written guidance to all of our city agencies and offices with respect to our sanctuary policies, and the importance of adhering to them, and also to, mandate training to our city staff and, most importantly, our community facing colleagues, and to be ready for whatever might come next, as well as, allow me to bring together cities from across the country, in other sectors to, make sure that we have the infrastructure in place, to best, support our immigrant communities.
So, yes, we do play an important role.
I'll let, Lorena say more about this. pigeon logo

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