MOIA's guidance and training for city agencies on sanctuary laws
45 sec
MOIA representatives discuss the guidance and training they provide to city agencies regarding sanctuary laws. They outline the broad issues covered in their training sessions and emphasize the importance of adhering to local laws.
- Training covers three main areas: protection of confidential information, access to city property, and limited cooperation with immigration enforcement
- MOIA has sent written guidance to all city agencies about the importance of sanctuary laws
- Training sessions have been conducted for general counsel across city agencies
Alexa Aviles
Can you, for the record, summarize what that guidance is?
Lorena Lucero
Well, I can't go into details on the substance, but I can because it is privileged.
But I will, just generally walk you through some of the issues that we are discussing.
And I know that you mentioned guidance, and I'm interpreting this as training, so I'm just gonna take it tell tell you there.
There are 3 broad issues that we, touch base, and are all related to local laws.
So protecting the confident protection of confidential information, access to city property, and the limited cooperation, that we have with immigration enforcement.