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Analysis of Intro 1105: Streets Plan implementation reporting
79 sec
Margaret Forgione discusses Intro 1105, which would require DOT to post detailed information about planned projects for the year and provide monthly updates on each project's progress. She explains DOT's position on the proposed legislation and outlines concerns about its potential impact.
- Describes the bill's requirements for project descriptions and monthly updates
- Expresses concern that premature project announcements could hamper community engagement
- Highlights potential issues with diverting planners' time to reporting during peak construction season
- Notes that the current annual February update was specifically negotiated to account for the previous year's work
Margaret Forgione
Next, intro 1105 sponsored by Chair Brooks Powers.
This bill would require DOT, upon submission of the annual streets plan update, to post on our website a description of all the planned projects for the year and describe how each would contribute to the street's plan mandates.
This bill would also require the DOT give monthly updates on each project's progress.
DOT does not support the bill as written.
Community engagement is a vital part of DOT's work.
We are concerned that by putting out a list of projects in the beginning of the year, it could hamper community engagement if community members feel the projects will be moving ahead regardless of their input.
Additionally, when the streets plan was negotiated into law, the annual February update was intended to serve as the agency's chance to publicly account for the previous year's work, and it continues to serve that purpose.
That date was specifically negotiated to require our planners to focus on this accounting in the winter months outside of our construction season.
We are concerned that requiring such accounting throughout the year will divert our planners' time away from actual project implementation and engagement to bureaucratic paperwork, slowing down our projects during peak construction season.
Monthly updates will also be of limited utility as many of our projects are completed in the last quarter of the year.